
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

我武者ライジング-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Daredevil Rising’(我武者ライジング)

我武者ライジング 高らかに燃え盛れ魂よ Daredevil Rising, O soul, blaze up この乱世、己に勝る敵は無し! No one can defeat you in this turbulent time さぁ、いざ行かん! Let's go! 天下統一! Unify the whole country! 我が身を捧げてる この不安定な戦乱の世に I'm born with endless challenges* 果てなき挑戦を宿命に持ち生まれたんだ In the unstable world of war that I dedicate myself to RISING FIRE SOUL! RISING FIRE SOUL! 命ギリギリで (baby go survive) The sword (baby go survive)* SHINGNING FIRE SOUL! SHINING FIRE SOUL! 脈打つ太刀 三日月夜 Is barely pulsing, on a crescent moon night 我武者ライジング 高らかに燃え盛れ魂よ Daredevil Rising, O soul, blaze up 己が刃 誓いを抱いた 巡り巡る衝動 Your sword is the ambitious impluse running inside you 我武者ライジング 誰が為に Daredevil rising, hope (light) 狂い咲いて討ち取る希望(ヒカリ)よ That will return and defeat the enemies for someone 今、天照すは Unifying the country 天下統一! Shall light up the earth! 眠れる獅子もほら大きな欠伸を伸ばしてんだ See, even the sleeping lion's giving a big yawn 夢幻のまでその手を取り行けるだろうか? Can I hold that hand into fantasy?* RISING FIRE SOUL! RISING FIRE SOUL! 心ユラユラと (baby go survive) There's no virtue (baby go survive) SHINGNING FIRE SOUL! SHINING FIRE SOUL! 武士の退路に美徳無し In hesitancy and in samurai's retreat 我武者ライジング 暴れ舞う覇者となれ魂よ Daredevil rising, O the soul that will become a bold overlord 研ぎ澄ました五感と本能 唸り唸る稲妻 Sharpened your senses and instinct, thunder rumbles 我武者ライジング 轟かせ Daredevil Rising, roar 狼煙上げて旗を掲げよ Send smoke signals and put up your flag 今、天照すは Unifying the country 天下統一! Shall light up the earth! 夢を見た空を仰ぐ若草 Young grasses, looking at the sky, dreamed 雨も風も嵐も超えて強くなれ Surpass wind and storm and be strong 我武者ライジング 高らかに燃え盛れ魂よ Daredevil Rising, O soul, blaze up 己が刃 誓いを抱いた 巡り巡る衝動 Your sword is the ambitious impluse running inside you 我武者ライジング 誰が為に Daredevil rising, hope (light) 狂い咲いて討ち取る希望(ヒカリ)よ That will return and defeat the enemies for someone 今、天照すは Unifying the country 天下統一! Shall light up the earth! Note: 宿命:The word is pronounced as 'さだめ (定め)', which means 'fate' or 'destiny' 夢幻:The word is pronounced as 'ゆめ (夢)'', which means 'dream'

