
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

HOWL-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


あゝ愚かさをこの世の全てを受け入れてしまえ Ah, accept stupidity and everything of this world あゝ静寂さを 拒んでも神経を壊し宿る Ah, even if you refuse silence, it will destroy your nerves and live in you 脳内流れ来るってPEAK あれよあれよ言う間に狂ってる PEAK flows to you in your head, you went mad before knowing what's happening さあTragedy早く見せてみろほら かなり歪んだ理性 Now, show me the tragedy, my rationality has become rather abnormal どうだい?ようこそ新世界 What do you think? Welcome to the new world 種も仕掛けもいらない 喰うか?dope.hahaha We don't have to trick you, will you rise to the bait? dope.hahaha もう手加減なんていらない Now we don't have to go easy on you はじまりを告げる歌 響き渡れば If the song that announces the beginning echoes 夜空を飾る月の形は終劇の幕開け Moon phases that embellish the night opens the end

