
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

マワリマワッテ-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Ups and Downs’(マワリマワッテ)

マワリマワッテ最幸の人生! The happiest life is full of ups and downs! YEAH! YEAH! 調子はどうだ?今日は陽気な王者で行こうか You alright? Let's be like a cheerful king today 遊び旅GO WIN!背伸び伸び伸び! Go play go travel go win! Push myself a bit more! 友情(YEAH!)愛情(YEAH!)仲間で人生丸儲け Friendship (YEAH!) Love (YEAH!) Friends are blessings to my life それが全部宝物☆ I treasure everyone of them☆ 大きな声で!最幸!大きな声で!最幸! Say I'm the happiest! Loudly! Say I'm the happiest! Loudly! 大きな声で!最幸!大きな声で!最幸! Say I'm the happiest! Loudly! Say I'm the happiest! Loudly! 何気ない出会い それが運命となる気配? Is it fate that I run into you? ざわめきは今この瞬間に I'm having butterflies in my stomach now 《一期一会》 'Now or never' マワリマワッテ最幸の人生! The happiest life is full of ups and downs! 今がダメでも大丈夫 Doesn't matter if you failed マワリマワッテ最幸の人生! The happiest life is full of ups and downs! バカみたいなこと?だから歌おう I look like a dumbass? Whatever, let's sing マワリマワッテ最幸の人生! The happiest life is full of ups and downs! 後ろ向きでも歩けるね I can walk properly even with my back facing the front マワリマワッテ最幸の人生! The happiest life is full of ups and downs! 生きてりゃ来るだろ!ハッピーエンド! Our happy ending will come! As long as we're alive! あー詰んだ病んだ死んだ泣いたムカつくわ! Ahhhh, I'm fucked, I feel so down, I wanna die, I wanna cry, I'm so pissed! キレキレEVERYDAY あぷぷのぷー! Getting mad every day, ugh ugh ughhh! 七転八倒人生何度もやり直す場所 The place next to you それは誰かの隣です Is where I stand up every time I fall down 大きな声で!最強!大きな声で!最強! Say I'm unbeatable! Loudly! Say I'm unbeatable! Loudly! 大きな声で!最強!大きな声で!最強! Say I'm unbeatable! Loudly! Say I'm unbeatable! Loudly! 俯いてないでほら顔を上げてみてごらん Don't be sad, look up 太陽には影は見えないよ The sun doesn't have a shadow 《1.5.1 YEAH》 '1.5.1 YEAH' メグリメグッテ最強の人生! The unbeatable life is full of peaks and valleys! 君の隣に僕がいる I'm right beside you メグリメグッテ最強の人生! The unbeatable life is full of peaks and valleys! 悩み忘れてご飯食べよう Forget about your worries and get some food メグリメグッテ最強の人生! The unbeatable life is full of peaks and valleys! 君が笑うとつられちゃう I'll laugh when I see you laugh メグリメグッテ最強の人生! The unbeatable life is full of peaks and valleys! 支え合うための僕らなんでしょう We're here to support each other, aren't we everybody sing a song now Everybody sing a song now 大きな声で!最幸!大きな声で!最強! Say I'm the happiest! Loudly! Say I'm unbeatable! Loudly! 大きな声で!最幸!大きな声で!最強! Say I'm the happiest! Loudly! Say I'm unbeatable! Loudly! 《一期一会》 'Now or never' マワリマワッテ最幸の人生! The happiest life is full of ups and downs! 今がダメでも大丈夫 Doesn't matter if you failed マワリマワッテ最幸の人生! The happiest life is full of ups and downs! バカみたいなこと?だから歌おう I look like a dumbass? Whatever, let's sing マワリマワッテ最幸の人生! The happiest life is full of ups and downs! 後ろ向きでも歩けるね I can walk properly even with my back facing the front マワリマワッテ最幸の人生! The happiest life is full of ups and downs! 生きてりゃ来るだろ!ハッピーエンド! Our happy ending will come! As long as we're alive!

