
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

SAMURAI-BLUE MIND-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


開戦の雄叫び上げ Give a battle cry 鼓動ピッチ上げ心奮い立たせて Make your heart pound faster and encourage yourself 成功するイメージ脳裏焼き付けろ By engraving how successful you're gonna be in your mind 逆境楽しめれば怖いものなんてないのさ There's nothing to be afraid of if you can enjoy adversities 情熱燃やしていけ Heat-Up Heat-Up 輝け Get passionate, heat up heat up shine bright 秘める刃誇り胸に Keep the blade and pride in mind 自分信じ勝ちに行こうか! Believe in yourself and go for it! SAMURAI GO FOR IT !! BLUE MIND! SAMURAI GO FOR IT !! BLUE MIND! No RETIRE! No RETIE! Don't RETIRE! Don't RETIE! 勝負決める覚悟が歴史変えていく The game-deciding resolution is changing the history SAMURAI GO FOR IT !! BLUE MIND! SAMURAI GO FOR IT !! BLUE MIND! Go STAGE! No STAY! Go STAGE! Don't STAY! 負けたら終わりと知れ It's the end if you lose 求めろ!真のゴールを! Look for the real goal! 満足なんてできないよ I can't be satisfy 理想DOWNで未来には辿り着かない I can't arrive to the future as dreams are shattered 譲れない信念で誤魔化しが利かない My believes helps my mind to stay clear 旋風巻き起こせば期待は膨らむものです People will be full of hope if I create a buzz 頂点目指す重圧Motto Motto楽しめ Enjor the pressure of aiming for the best 無限の先(ミライ)影の迷宮 Thousands of possibilities ahead, the maze of shadow 血汗滲む地獄みようか!Ah! Shall we have a trip to the blood-sweating hell? Ah! 強くなれ!走り切れ! Be strong! Don't stop! 自分次第!負けんなよ! It's up to you! You can do it! 奇跡起こす力が夢を掴み取る The miracle-making power will make your dream come true 生きるか死ぬかだ!勝つんだろ? Either you live or you die! You're gonna win, aren't you? 勝利を諦めない! Never give up... 1ミリの最後まで… Until the very last moment! SAMURAI GO FOR IT !! BLUE MIND! SAMURAI GO FOR IT !! BLUE MIND! No RETIRE! No RETIE! Don't RETIRE! Don't RETIE! 勝負決める覚悟が歴史変えていく The game-deciding resolution is changing the history SAMURAI GO FOR IT !! BLUE MIND! SAMURAI GO FOR IT !! BLUE MIND! Go STAGE! No STAY! Go STAGE! Don't STAY! 負けたら終わりと知れ It's the end if you lose 求めろ!真のゴールを! Look for the real goal!

