
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

RAD MUSIC!!-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


OUTDATED MUSIC OUTDATED MUSIC 使い古しの言葉 音 ビート誰でもいい Lame words, melodies and rhythms, anyone can do it そんなもん捨て去れ Throw that away 次だRAD MUSIC Next one, RAD MUSIC たったそれだけ3コード Made with dull triads いやそれ以下か もうどうでもいいや Nah, it's worse than that, but whatever 寄せ集めでコピーライト? Did you slap your copyright together? そりゃ結構だこと BAD MUSIC Then no one needs it, BAD MUSIC きっとそのうち飽きられ また違うものに手を伸ばすぞ? They'll soon find you boring and be into something else, you know? 慣れっこだと誤魔化しても滑稽だこと Even though you play dumb by saying you're used to it, this is still hilarious OUTDATED MUSIC so long OUTDATED MUSIC so long 根拠もない自信だけが根拠で Even though all the irresponsible adults 薄っぺらい綺麗事を重ねて Are meaningless from the very beginning 価値なんて最初からなかったのに They still talk fancy 最後に泣いていたアイツも With unjustified confidence 金で転がして飼い殺しにする And even control the one who cried at the very last moment 無責任な大人たちもみんな And keep him until he dies 自己満足のお飯事 They treat this like a self-satisfying game WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! SAD GENERATION!! SAD GENERATION!! 犠牲者は誰だ?誰だ!?と I pout my lips and show myself by saying WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! SAD GENERATION!! SAD GENERATION!! 口尖らせエゴを叫ぶ Who are the victim? Who will they be!? WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! SAD GENERATION!! SAD GENERATION!! 流行りモノ飛びつく癖は I bet no one can change the habit of WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! SAD GENERATION!! SAD GENERATION!! 誰しも皆変わらないでしょ Jumping on the bandwagon たったそれだけ3コード Made with dull triads いやそれ以下か もうどうでもいいや Nah, worse than that, but whatever 寄せ集めでコピーライト? Did you slap your copyright together? そりゃ結構だこと BAD MUSIC Then no one needs it, BAD MUSIC きっとそのうち飽きられ また違うものに手を伸ばしても Even though they'll soon find you boring and be into something else 鼻で笑って勝ち誇る芸術家だもん…って一体ナンダ?? You still sneer and gloat over being an artist... So what?? 根拠もない自信だけが根拠で Even though all the absurd adults 薄っぺらい綺麗事を重ねて Are worthless from the very beginning 価値なんて最初からなかったのに They still talk unrealistic 最後は強がったアイツも With unjustified confidence 口で転がして飼い殺しにする And trick the one acted tough with words ナンセンスな大人たちもみんな And keep him until he dies at last 叶うハズない絵空事 They only make empty promises WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! SAD GENERATION!! SAD GENERATION!! 先駆者のプライドPrimary!! I pout my lips and show myself WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! SAD GENERATION!! SAD GENERATION!! 口尖らせエゴを叫ぶ By prioritising the pride of vanguard!! WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! SAD GENERATION!! SAD GENERATION!! 流行りモノ飛びつく様に Like jumping on the bandwagon WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! WACK CHEAP MUSIC!! SAD GENERATION!! SAD GENERATION!! 僕らは皆笑い堪えてるよ We're trying very hard not to laugh at you all NEXT MUSIC!! NEXT MUSIC!!

