
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

アカツキ-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


白く濁るため息 煙草に火をつけた I let out a white cloudy sigh, lighted up a cigarette 夜風の中僕は一人取り残された様に Like I'm left alone in the evening breeze どうして何故、あの言葉を選んだのだろう? Why did I pick that word? 後悔しても消せない傷 心は酷く脆いのに The wound won't disappear even if I regret, human mind is extremely fragile もう見えないよアカツキに消えていった昨日の様に Nowhere to be seen like the yesterday that disappeared in the dawn この夜の何処かに君を探してる I'm looking for you somewhere on this night 戻れないと分かっていた素直になれないんだ 'Cause I can't accept the fact that we can't go back 始まりの朝が来る前に抱きしめたい I want to hold you tight before morning comes とめどなく過ぎていく 時間に追われても Even if I'm being chased by the endlessly moving time 本当に大切なものだけは見失わない Only things that you really treasure won't be lost sight of 誰かのため生きていける喜びなんて I won't notice the joy of being able to live for someone 一人じゃ気づけなかったよ If I was all alone 言葉を超えた 「愛してる」 'I love you' is beyond words 果てしなく二人で見た夢が続くように I shall open the path that brings us to the future again 明日への道を切り開こうもう一度 So the dream the two of us saw will go on forever 見上げてよ 綴り出す無数の物語を Look up, at the countless stories which will be written soon アカツキは綺麗なムラサキの空に変わる Dawn will turn into a beautiful purple sky 果てしなく二人で見た夢が続く様に I shall open the path that brings us to the future again 明日への道を切り開こうもう一度 So the dream the two of us saw will go on forever 見上げてよ 綴り出す無数の物語を Look up, at the countless stories which will be written soon アカツキは綺麗なムラサキの空に変わる Dawn will turn into a beautiful purple sky

