
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Candy Necklace-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

《糖果項鏈》(Candy Necklace)

White fire, cinnamon on my teeth 白色火焰,我甜蜜如肉桂 And I'm sittin' at the stoplight Northern town 我坐在北境小鎮裏一紅綠燈旁 I feel lucky 我覺得自己很幸運 I drive somewhere out of range, I don't know where 我駛到自己不認識的地方 White noise comin' out of my brain 腦海中的白嘈音 Turns off for nothing 消失了 Rockafella, my umbrella 我的支柱,我的護傘 God, I love you, baby 寶貝我真的很愛你 Storyteller, us forever 說書人,是指我們 Is my favorite song 亦是我最愛的歌 You've been actin' pretty restless 你最近好像有點騷動不安 Dancin' like the young and restless 像年輕又騷動不安的一族般舞動着 And I'm obsessed with it 我對那樣十分着迷 Candy necklaces 有如糖果項鏈 Dancin' like the young and restless 像年輕又騷動不安的一族般舞動着 And I'm obsessed with this 我為此着迷 All his candy necklaces 對他所有的糖果項鏈 Sittin' on the sofa, feelin' super suicidal 坐在梳化上,感到很想了結自己 Hate to say the word, but, baby, hand on the Bible, I do 我討厭那樣說,但寶貝,把手放在聖經上,我願意 Feel like it's you, the one who's bringin' me down 感覺你就是使我傷心的那個人 Thought that we were cool and we were kickin' it like 我以為我們已經和好了、我們像 Tribe Called Quest 探索一族那般酷 You the best, but, baby, you've been bringin' me down 寶貝你是最好的,但你總是使我傷心 I can see it now 我現在終於知道這個事實 Rockafella, my umbrella 我的支柱,我的護傘 God, love you, baby 愛你,寶貝 Fortune teller, favorite ever 預言家 That's the story of us 那是我們的故事 You've been actin' pretty restless 你最近好像有點騷動不安 Dancin' like the young and restless 像年輕又騷動不安的一族般舞動着 And I'm obsessed with this 我對此十分着迷 Candy necklaces 有如糖果項鏈 I think that we should address this 我覺得我們應談及此 Actin' like the young and restless 我們像年輕又騷動不安的一族般 And I'm obsessed with this 我為此着迷 All his candy necklaces 對他所有的糖果項鏈 We've been actin' pretty restless 我們最近挺騷動不安 Dancin' like the young and restless 像年輕又騷動不安的一族般舞動着 I'm obsessed with this 我對此十分着迷 Candy necklaces 有如糖果項鏈 Candy necklaces 糖果項鏈 Candy necklaces 糖果項鏈 Candy necklaces 糖果項鏈 Candy necklaces (Mmm) 糖果項鏈(嗯) Candy necklaces (Mmm, hmm) 糖果項鏈(嗯嗯) Candy necklaces (I'm obsessed with this) 糖果項鏈(我對此十分着迷) Candy necklaces 糖果項鏈 Candy necklaces 糖果項鏈 Candy necklaces ('Cause I'm obsessed with this) 糖果項鏈(因為我對此十分着迷) Candy necklaces (Mmm) 糖果項鏈(嗯) Candy necklaces 糖果項鏈 Candy necklaces 糖果項鏈 Candy necklaces 糖果項鏈 Candy necklaces 糖果項鏈 Candy necklaces, oh 糖果項鏈,啊

