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Judah Smith Interlude-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

《猶大史密夫插曲》(Judah Smith Interlude)

Don't you understand what that means 難道你不知道那甚麼意思嗎 It means quit lusting after your neighbor 那是叫你別再想着跟你的鄰居發生關係 That's a heck of a life 你的人生非常美滿 You get to love your children in front of you 你可以愛你眼前的孩子 You get to love— 你可以愛—— You have to talk to somebody 你需要找個人談談 "I want a new life" 「我想要過新生活」 "I don't love my wife anymore" 「我不再愛我的妻子了」 "I don't love my kids anymore" 「我不再愛我的孩子了」 "Missing out on life" 「我的人生錯失了很多東西」 They're usually my age 會說這些話的通常是我這個年紀的人 Does that sound like love? 那聽起來像愛嗎? It's a life dominated with lust 那是被貪慾支配的人生 And for too long, they've been holding it on 他們堅持了太久 And finally, they just get weak and they say 最後,他們漸漸受不了,說 "It doesn't matter anymore" 「一切都不緊要了」 And the Spirit of God says 然後聖靈說 "I'll infuse you with desires for what you have 「我會使你充滿對已擁有的 And what's in front of you" (Yeah, yeah, yeah) 及面前之物的渴望」(對,對,對) Desires for what you have 對已擁有之物的渴望 So, as He works deep in your heart 因此,當主在你的內心努力着 As you call out to Him and say 當你大喊主的名字,說 "I'm here, do you hear me, Man?" 「我在這裏,你聽到我嗎,老兄?」 "Help me want what I got" 「讓我滿足於已有吧」 "Help me love what's in front of me" 「讓我愛眼前的事物吧」 "Help me want more of my wife and more of my friends" 「讓我更渴望我的妻子和朋友吧」 "Help me serve the city I live in and not wish it away and hope I can move" 「讓我為我居住的城市服務,而非只是希望問題會自己消失、每天想着快點搬走」 "Help me, God" 「主啊,幫幫我吧」 "I wanna be a man in love, not a man in lust" 「我想成為一個充滿愛、而非充滿貪慾的人」 But you've gotta do that 你非成為這樣的人不可 So I bring you to this verse and I'm done, I'm done 所以我告訴你這一聖經章節,而我實在受夠了 Psalms, chapter eight 詩篇第八章 And you know where I got this verse? 你知道我是怎樣知道這章節嗎? This is gonna sound crazy to you, but I'm gonna tell you the absolute truth 這聽起來很不可思議,但我告訴你這是千真萬確 It's gonna make me sound so superior to us all, I'm looking forward to it 這讓我聽起來好像高人一等,雖然我不介意 I woke up this morning and God said, "Check the Bible app" 這天早晨我醒來,聽到主跟我說「看看你的聖經app吧」 I don't know if it was God, but it felt like that 我不知道那是不是真的是主,但感覺很像 In my head, I thought if I hadn't checked the Bible app 我想,幸好我打開了聖經app I'm gonna speak to you from the verse of the day 現在就讓我和你談談本日章節 That means I don't have to do anything 那即是說我甚麼都不用做 I don't have to look anywhere, I just get the verse of the day 我不用四處尋找答案,我只需要有本日章節 So I get to the verse of the day 我開始閱讀本日章節 And here's the verse of the day, today, in the Bible app 這就是聖經app裏的本日章節 Look at this (That's cool) 你聽(不錯) "Look at the splendor of the skies 「我觀看 Your creative genius glowing in the heavens 你指頭 When I gaze, when I gaze at Your moon and Your stars 所造的天 Mounted like jewels in their settings 並你所陳設的 I know You are the fascinating artist who fashioned it all" 月亮星宿」 When look up and see such wonder and workmanship above 當我抬頭仰望滿天神蹟和如此手藝 "I have to ask this question" 「便說」 "I've gotta ask this question" 「不得不說」 Compared to all this cosmic glory 比起宇宙中的其他生命 "Why would you ever bother with puny, mortal man?" 「人——或者說世人——算甚麼」 Or "being" 「你竟顧念他」 Ooh, don't get me started 你最好不要惹得我開口 I could preach another hour on infatuated 我能着迷地再佈道多個小時 Or be infatuated with Adam's son 或對亞當之子很着迷 "Why are you so infatuated with me?" 「為甚麼你對我那麼着迷?」 You're the star creator, You're the ocean maker (Yeah, yeah) 你是星辰的創造者,你是海洋的創造者(對,對) You're the whale creator, you're the rhino designer 你是鯨魚的創造者,你是犀牛的設計者 Who, who are you? (Rhino designer) 你是誰?(犀牛的設計者) And then it goes on in verse five 到了第五節 And it says 聖經是那樣寫的 "Yet, what honor You have given to men 「你叫他 Created only a little lower than Elohim" 比厄羅依微小一點」 Which is the name of Creator God, Artist God 厄羅依正是造物主、創造神之名 You wanna call God "Artist"? 你想稱主作「藝術家」? At some point tonight, before you go to bed be like, "Yo, Elohim" 今晚,你睡前便會說,「喂,厄羅依」 And He'll hear, "You're the best Artist ever" 然後他就會聽到「你是世上最棒的藝術家」 "Little lower than Elohim, crowned like kings and queens with glory and magnificence 「你叫他比厄羅依微小一點,並賜他榮耀尊貴為冠 You have delighted, You have delegated to them 你派他管理你手所造的,使萬物 Mastery over all You have made" 都服在他的腳下」 You have made me a partner with You 你使我成為你的使者 I used to think my preaching was mostly about You 我一直以為我都是在向人佈道你 And you're not gonna like this, but I'm gonna tell you the truth 你大概不會喜歡我這樣說,但我告訴你 I've discovered my preaching is mostly about me 事實是,我發現自己是在向人佈道我自己

