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Kintsugi-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)


There's a certain point the body can't come back from 身體到了某一刻便不能重來 In one year, we've learned the turn of the mouth 一年內,我們就能體會到嘴角是如何下垂 The depth that the chest cavity takes 內心是何等的空洞 Chucky was there for three out of three 妹妹陪伴至三位親人的最後一刻* I was there for the third 'cause I couldn't be 我只見到祖母的最後一面* There for the one who was closest to me 我沒法去見我最親近那位的最後一面* But I can't say I'd run when things get hard 但我不會說自己會在事情變得困難時逃避 It's just that I don't trust myself with my heart 我只是不相信我自己 But I've had to let it break a little more 但我試着讓自己心碎 'Cause they say that's what it's for 因為人們說心本應碎* That's how the light shines in 光就是這樣照進來 That's how the light shines in 光就是這樣照進來 That's how the light gets in 光就是這樣透進來 So everyone was there, they were standing and laughing 大家都在那裏,站着笑着 And I'm on the side with my tears streaming down 而我悄悄地落淚 There's something about the clutch of the wrist 有人緊着我的手痛哭 He thought mine was his to carve into his mouth 他以為我的手是他的手 We've only got hours 我們僅餘數小時 And I just can't stop crying 'cause all of the ways 我沒法止住眼淚 When you see someone dying 因為當你看到有人離世時 You see all your days flash in front of you 回憶如走馬燈般湧現 And you think about who would be with you 你會想誰會在你最後那刻陪着你 And then there's Donoghue 然後我想起多諾霍* Daddy, I miss them 爸,我很想念他們 I'm in the mountains 我在山林裏 I'm probably running away from the feelings I get 我大概是在逃避 When I think of all the things about them 我想起有關他們一切時的感受 Daddy, I miss them 爸,我很想念他們 I'm at the Roadrunner Café 我在走鵑鳥咖啡店 I'm probably running away from the thoughts in the day 我大概是在逃避白天 That have things to do with them, but they say 有關他們的想法,但人們說 That's how the light gets in 光就是這樣透進來 That's how the light gets in 光就是這樣透進來 That's how the light gets in 光就是這樣透進來 Think by the third of March, I was cracked open 到了三月三日,我傷心透了 Finally the ground was cold, they wouldn't open 最終土地太凍,沒法下葬 Brought by the sunlight of the spirit to pour into rain 心靈的陽光灑落在淅瀝細雨 There's a name for it in Japanese, it's kintsugi 在日本,這稱作「金繕」 They sang folk songs from the '40s 他們唱着四十年代的民謠 Even the fourteen-year-old knew "Froggy Came A-Courtin" 就連十四歲的小孩都知道甚麼是《青蛙先生求婚去》 How do my blood relatives know all of these songs? 究竟我的親戚是怎樣知道這些歌? I don't know anyone left to know songs that I sing 我不知道還有沒有人知道我唱的歌 That's how the light gets in 光就是這樣透進來 That's how the light gets in 光就是這樣透進來 But Daddy, I miss them. 但,爸,我很想念他們 I'm at the Roadrunner Café 我在走鵑鳥咖啡店 Probably running away from the feelings today 在沙漠裏的雪山中 In the snow-capped mountains of the desert 逃避我今天的感受 Daddy, I miss them 爸,我很想念他們 I'm in the mountains 我在山林裏 Probably running away, I've been meaning to say 大概是要逃避,我一都想說 That there's nothing to do except know that this is 其實沒甚麼可以做的,除了明白光就是 How the light gets in 這樣透進來 Like cracking, the light gets in 光從裂縫透進來 It's how the light gets in 光就是如此透進來 That's how the light gets in 光就是這樣透進來 That's how the light gets in 光就是這樣透進來 Then you're golden 然後你就會再次感到快樂 Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah 啊,啊,啊 Ah, ah, ah 啊 Just another folk song, but anyway 這只是另一首民謠,但不要緊 I try so hard, but that's okay 我拼命嘗試,但那便足矣 It's how the light gets in 光就是如此透進來 It's how the light gets in 光就是如此透進來 It's how the light gets in 光就是如此透進來 *註解: Kintsugi:「金継ぎ」,中文可譯作「金繼」,意思是「以金子去承繼」,也稱作「金繕い」,中文可譯作「金繕」,意思是「以金子去修繕」。此工藝以數種漆(如生漆、黑漆、弁柄漆等),或以漆與金粉、銀粉或白金粉混合,來修補破損陶器,這是將破損和修補視為物件歷史一部分的技藝,而非掩飾。 Chucky was there for three out of three/ I was there for the third 'cause I couldn't be/ There for the one who was closest to me:拉娜在的歌曲中描述過親人的離世,包括叔叔David Grant Sr、《格蘭特》(The Grants)中最親密的叔叔Dave Grant及祖母Cynthia K. Grant,而拉娜只能在祖母過世前陪着他。 'Cause they say that's what it's for:「心本應碎」(the heart is made to be broken)是出自愛爾蘭詩人王爾德的信《自深深處》(De Profoundis)。 And then there's Donoghue:多諾霍(Donoghue)有機會指拉娜的誹聞男友,茜琳樂隊(Salem)的成員積克.多諾霍(Jack Donoghue)。

