
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Mr.SWAGMAN-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


当てもなく彷徨い歩き疲れては願った I was wandering aimlessly, I prayed as I felt tired from walking 辿り着いた韶で眠らせてくれないか Can You let me sleep in the nice dream I arrived* 私の側で水を飲みながら誘うのなら If it lures me whilst it drinks water besides me 飢えた心溢れるまで満たしましょう Then satisfy my starving heart until it's full キズグ血ホラ流レ See, blood is coming out of the wound ズット眺メテル It keeps staring at me 苦シ紛レニ何モ聞コエナイ It can't heard anything due to great pain 心ガ止ンダ…私ト引キ換エニ Its heart stoppped... In exchange for me 震える声 震える空 Shaking voice, shaking sky 悲しいほど綺麗に映る They're so beautiful that they make me feel sad 震える度 増える鼓動 Every time I shiver, my heart beats faster 「お前が盗んだのだろう」 'You stole it, didn't you' You'll never take me alive You'll never take me alive 溺れ此処まで来れるかな? Can you drown yourself and come here? 震える声 震える空 Shaking voice, shaking sky 完全無敗Mr.SWAGMAN Invincible Mr. SWAGMAN 罪と罰を人が裁く時代は When did いつからか The time of trying sometime with guilt and punishment begin 上辺の笑顔言葉 無罪にしたけれど 'Though the specious smile and words are found not guilty 私の命を血で血を洗う戦いなら If you wanna start a bloody feud with my life 性懲りも無い 杜撰な頭を下げな Then bow down your incorrigible, careless brain キズグ血ホラ流レ See, blood is coming out of the wound ズット眺メテル It keeps staring at me 苦シ紛レニ何モ聞コエナイ It can't heard anything due to great pain 心ガ止ンダ…私ト引キ換エニ Its heart stoppped... In exchange for me 震える声 震える空 Shaking voice, shaking sky 悲しいほど綺麗に映る They're so beautiful that they make me feel sad 震える度 増える鼓動 Every time I shiver, my heart beats faster 「お前が盗んだのだろう」 'You stole it, didn't you' You'll never take me alive You'll never take me alive 溺れ此処まで来れるかな? Can you drown yourself and come here? 震える声 震える空 Shaking voice, shaking sky 完全無敗Mr.SWAGMAN Invincible Mr. SWAGMAN 震える声 震える空 Shaking voice, shaking sky 悲しいほど綺麗に映る They're so beautiful that they make me feel sad 震える度 増える鼓動 Every time I shiver, my heart beats faster 「お前が盗んだのだろう」 'You stole it, didn't you' You'll never take me alive You'll never take me alive 溺れ此処まで来れるかな? Can you drown yourself and come here? 震える声 震える空 Shaking voice, shaking sky 完全無敗Mr.SWAGMAN Invincible Mr. SWAGMAN Note: Mr.SWAGMAN: According to ROY's line blog, the lyrics is inspired by the Australian folk song 'Waltzing Matilda'.

