
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

この世界は終わりだ。-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘The World is Coming to an End.’(この世界は終わりだ。)

快楽も 悦楽も この際どっちもいらね At this point, I need neither enjoyment nor pleasure どうせ死ぬ このままじゃ 誰一人勝者は残らない We're gonna die anyway, no one will win in this way RELOAD×∞ CRACK!! RELOAD×∞ CRACK!! 最底辺まで堕ちて逝け Fall to the bottom and die ご覧よ 見世物 指差し笑う Look, point and laugh at this laughingstock ご都合 主義者の 色眼鏡光る Opportunists are biased 御託を 並べて 評者を気取り Running their mouths and pretending to be critics 誤算も 打算も 異論は認めない No matter miscalculation or calculation, they won't accept any objection 歪みきった 思考が Distorted thinking 全てを巻き込んでく Is drawing everything into it 歪みきった 理想が Distorted thinking 全てを飲み込んでく Is swallowing up everything この世界は終わりだ The world is coming to an end この世界は終わりだ The world is coming to an end この世界は終わりだ The world is coming to an end 腐っている It's rotting もう嫌嫌嘘嘘 勝手言いやがる I've had enough, the world that lies 世間は今日も背後を向けて As it pleases is still turning its back on me 利口なフリしても みんなビビってるんでしょ Everyone's scared even though they pretend to be smart, am I right 慢心が辿る先は絶望 Despair is where conceit will arrive 厭世も 失望も この際どっちも知らね At this point, I'm neither weary of life nor disappointed どうせ死ぬ このままじゃ 誰一人勝者は残らない We're gonna die anyway, no one will win in this way RELOAD×∞ CRACK!! RELOAD×∞ CRACK!! 最底辺まで堕ちて逝け Fall to the bottom and die ご覧よ 見世物 指差し笑う Look, point and laugh at this laughingstock ご都合 主義者の 色眼鏡光る Opportunists are biased 御託を 並べて 評者を気取り Running their mouths and pretending to be critics 誤算も 打算も 異論は認めない No matter miscalculation or calculation, they won't accept any objection これが望んでいた世界か? Is this the world you hoped for? 歪みきった 思考が Distorted thinking 全てを巻き込んでく Is drawing everything into it 歪みきった 理想が Distorted thinking 全てを飲み込んでく Is swallowing up everything この世界は終わりだ The world is coming to an end この世界は終わりだ The world is coming to an end この世界は終わりだ The world is coming to an end 腐っている It's rotting もう嫌嫌嘘嘘 みんな言いやがる I've had enough of the lies everyone wants to say 黙れ虎の威を借る狐 Shut up, foxes flaunting the tiger's power* 利口なフリしてもどうせビビってるんでしょ You're scared even though you pretend to be smart, aren't you 慢心が辿る先は Ah, despair 嗚呼、 絶望 Is where conceit will arrive

