
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

傷ノ声-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Sound of Wound’(傷ノ声)

剥がされ捨てられた私の骸 My body, peeled off and thrown away へばりこびり付いた私の染み The stubborn stain on me 瞼閉ざし 耳を塞ぎ 口を噤む Close their eyes, cover up their ears, and keep their mouth shut 誰も気付かぬ振り Like they did not notice anything 心の底に触れたのは誰か Who touched the bottom of my heart 真っ暗な其処に気が狂れた誰か It's the person gone mad in the pitch dark 瞼閉ざし 耳を塞ぎ 口を噤む Closes his eyes, covers up his ears, and keeps his mouth shut 誰もが気付かぬ私 No one notices me 吐き出す全てが醜く歪み Everything I spill is ugly and crooked 「言葉」と言う名の「嘘」へと変わる And turns into 'lies' called 'words' 右手が綴る 左手の声 My right hand writes what my left hand says 耳を澄ませば じわり溢れる If you listen carefully, you will hear it gradually flowing out 谺したソレは誰にも届かぬ私の辞世の句 It is my swan song reaches no one that echoed 私の声に耳を傾けてくれた剃刀はもう詠わない The blade listened to my voice will never sings again 錆びた煌めきの不協和音卑しく喉を鳴らすだけ Only the cacophony of the rusted glow will swallow vulgarly 「嘘」は「嘘」のままで 'Lies' are still 'lies' 朱で書きなぐる 悼む痛みは The pain of mourning I write with red 蒼に纏われる ぷつり途切れる Is wrapped by the blue and stopped suddenly 谺したソレは誰にも届かぬ私の辞世の句 It is my swan song reaches no one that echoed

