
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Margaret-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

This is a simple song, gonna write it for a friend 這是一首簡單的歌,是寫給一個朋友 My shirt is inside out, I'm messy with the pen 我的衣服穿反了,蓬頭垢面地握着筆 He met Margaret on a rooftop, she was wearing white 他在一個天台認識了瑪嘉烈,當時她身穿白色衣服 And he was like, "I might be in trouble" 他想:「我有麻煩了」 He had flashes of the good life, he was like 美好的人生在腦海閃過,他想 "Should jump off this building now or do it on the double?" 「我要現在還是馬上跳下去?」 'Cause, baby, if your love is in trouble 因為親愛的,要是你的愛情遇到困難 Baby, if your love is in trouble 親愛的,要是你的愛情遇到困難 Baby, if your love is in trouble 親愛的,要是你的愛情遇到困難 When you know, you know 你知道的時候便會知道 When you know, you know 你知道的時候便會知道 It kinda makes me laugh 走上那條路 Runnin' down that path 有點令我想笑 When you're good, it's gold 過得不錯便好極了 'Cause when you know, you know 因為你知道的時候便會知道 Word to all my friends 我有說話要告訴我所有朋友 But they're red flags, they're white knights 但這會是個危險信號,你的救星 They're black eyes and they're blue lies 你的恥辱,藍色謊言* If you're asking yourself, "How do you know?" 要是你問你自己:「你怎麼知道?」 Then that's your answer, the answer is "No" 那答案是「你不會知道」 You gotta run, gotta run, run, run, run like your head's on fire 你要像發了瘋那樣跑 Run away like your head is on fire 像發了瘋那樣跑 'Cause, baby, if your love is in trouble 因為親愛的,要是你的愛情遇到困難 Baby, if your love is in trouble 親愛的,要是你的愛情遇到困難 Baby, if your love is in trouble 親愛的,要是你的愛情遇到困難 When you know, you know 你知道的時候便會知道 When you know, you know 你知道的時候便會知道 It kinda makes me laugh 走上那條路 Runnin' down that path 有點令我想笑 When you're good, it's gold 過得不錯便好極了 'Cause when you know, you know 因為你知道的時候便會知道 When you're old, you're old 你老了 Like Hollywood and me 便會像荷里活和我那樣有味道 The soul that you bring to the table 你介紹給大家認識的那靈魂 That diamond on your ring 以及你指環上 One that makes me sing 那顆鑽石 In a minor key 讓我唱起小調 'Cause when you know, you know 因為你知道的時候便會知道 When you know, you know 你知道的時候便會知道 So if you don't know, don't give up 所以要是你不知道,別放棄 'Cause you never know what the new day might bring 因為你不會知道明天將會發生甚麼事 Maybe tomorrow you'll know 可能到了明天你就會知道 Maybe tomorrow you'll know 可能到了明天你就會知道 Maybe tomorrow you'll know 可能到了明天你就會知道 I mean, join the party 我是說,來參加派對吧 By the way, the party is December 18 (Hey, let's waltz this out, 'cause) 說起來,派對是在十二月十八日舉辦(嗨,一起離開這裏吧,因為) 'Cause when you know, you know 因為你知道的時候便會知道 When you're old, you're old 你老了 Like Hollywood and me 便會像荷里活和我那樣有味道 The soul that you bring to the table 你介紹給大家認識的那靈魂 That diamond on your ring 以及你指環上 One that makes me sing 那顆鑽石 In a minor key 讓我唱起小調 Diamond on your ring 你指環上的鑽石 One that makes me sing 讓我 In a minor key 唱起小調 'Cause when you know, you know 因為你知道的時候便會知道 When you know, you know 你知道的時候便會知道 So if you don't know, don't give up 所以要是你不知道,別放棄 'Cause you never know what the new day might bring 因為你不會知道明天將會發生甚麼事 Maybe tomorrow you'll know 可能到了明天你就會知道 Maybe tomorrow you'll know 可能到了明天你就會知道 Maybe tomorrow you'll know 可能到了明天你就會知道 I mean, join the party 我是說,來參加派對吧 By the way, the party is December 18 (Hey, let's waltz this out, 'cause) 說起來,派對是在十二月十八日舉辦(嗨,一起離開這裏吧,因為) 'Cause when you know, you know 因為你知道的時候便會知道 When you're old, you're old 你老了 Like Hollywood and me 便會像荷里活和我那樣有味道 The soul that you bring to the table 你介紹給大家認識的那靈魂 That diamond on your ring 以及你指環上 One that makes me sing 那顆鑽石 In a minor key 讓我唱起小調 Diamond on your ring 你指環上的鑽石 One that makes me sing 讓我 In a minor key 唱起小調 'Cause when you know, you know 因為你知道的時候便會知道 When you know, you know 你知道的時候便會知道

