
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Peppers-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)


Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,我是安祖蓮娜祖莉 Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,安祖蓮娜祖莉 Let me put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair 讓我把雙手放在你膝蓋上,你可以為我綁辮子 Do a fat criss-cross in the back somewhere, ha 在我背後某處把我的頭髮交叉雙疊 Me and my boyfriend listen to the Chili Peppers 我和我的男友聽着嗆辣紅椒 We write hit songs without tryin' like 我們總是不廢吹灰之力 All the time, all the time 便能寫到暢銷歌 I take off all my clothes, dance naked for the neighbors 我脫下所有衣服,為鄰居赤裸地熱舞 I'm like, "Fuck it, gonna give a show," I open up the blinds 我想,「他媽的,我要做場戲」,於是我打開窗簾 I threw caution to the wind, get onto the bike 我不計後果,踏上單車 Take a minute to yourself, skinny-dip in my mind 給自己一分鐘時間,在我的腦海裏裸泳 I'm in love, I'm in love 我戀愛了,我戀愛了 Got a knife in my jacket, honey on the vine 我的外套裏藏了把刀,葡萄藤上的蜂蜜 Baby, I'll bring the coffee if you bring the wine 寶貝,要是你帶紅酒我便會帶咖啡 I'm in love, I'm in love ('Cause I'm in love) 我戀愛了,我戀愛了(因為我戀愛了) Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,我是安祖蓮娜祖莉 Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,安祖蓮娜祖莉 Let me put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair 讓我把雙手放在你膝蓋上,你可以為我綁辮子 Do a fat criss-cross in the back somewhere, ha 在我背後某處把我的頭髮交叉雙疊 Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,我是安祖蓮娜祖莉 Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,安祖蓮娜祖莉 Let me put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair 讓我把雙手放在你膝蓋上,你可以為我綁辮子 Do a fat criss-cross in the back somewhere, ha 在我背後某處把我的頭髮交叉雙疊 I sit, upskirt, I don't have much to lose 我坐下,被看到裙底風光,我沒甚麼可以失去的 I got a truck, take it for a midnight, a midnight drive, yeah 我有輛卡車,我會在半夜開着它兜風 My boyfriend tested positive for COVID, it don't matter 我男友中了武漢肺炎,但不要緊 We've been kissing, so whatever he has, I have, I can't cry 我們最近都在熱吻,所以他中了甚麼,我都會有,我不能抱怨 I threw caution to the wind, get onto the bike 我不計後果,踏上單車 Take a minute to yourself, skinny-dip in my mind 給自己一分鐘時間,在我的腦海裏裸泳 I'm in love, I'm in love (I'm in love) 我戀愛了,我戀愛了(我戀愛了) Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,我是安祖蓮娜祖莉 Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,安祖蓮娜祖莉 Let me put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair 讓我把雙手放在你膝蓋上,你可以為我綁辮子 Do a fat criss-cross in the back somewhere, ha 在我背後某處把我的頭髮交叉雙疊 Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,我是安祖蓮娜祖莉 Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,安祖蓮娜祖莉 Let me put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair 讓我把雙手放在你膝蓋上,你可以為我綁辮子 Do a fat criss-cross in the back somewhere, ha 在我背後某處把我的頭髮交叉雙疊 Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,我是安祖蓮娜祖莉 Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,安祖蓮娜祖莉 Let me put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair 讓我把雙手放在你膝蓋上,你可以為我綁辮子 Do a fat criss-cross in the back somewhere, a-ha 在我背後某處把我的頭髮交叉雙疊 Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,我是安祖蓮娜祖莉 Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,安祖蓮娜祖莉 Let me put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair 讓我把雙手放在你膝蓋上,你可以為我綁辮子 Do a fat criss-cross in the back somewhere, ha 在我背後某處把我的頭髮交叉雙疊 Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,我是安祖蓮娜祖莉 Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie 雙手在你膝蓋上,安祖蓮娜祖莉 Let me put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair 讓我把雙手放在你膝蓋上,你可以為我綁辮子 Do a fat criss-cross in the back somewhere, ha 在我背後某處把我的頭髮交叉雙疊

