
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

AGUL-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


向き合う事から 逃げてきたのは I escaped from facing 応えを求め過ぎて 'Cause I asked for too much responds 真実か理想か I've lived 僕が僕なのか分からない Without knowing if this is the reality or my dream ままで生きてきた And if I'm me 息をするように嘘をつき Lying like breathing 僕の心を蝕んだね Rotted my heart 流れた涙と約束したんだ I've made promise with my fallen tears 中途に夢を掲げ此処で終わるものかと There's no way I'd pursue my dream in the middle but give it up here 無限の世界を夢見た I dreamt of the boundless world 今賽は投げられ The dice is cast Sing as if you were to live forever Sing as if you were to live forever 限りなくゼロに近い Link up even the starting negative number マイナスからのスタートでも繋いでく Very close to zero 僕らならこの未知歩けるだろう I'm sure we can walk through the unknown 弱さを見せれる強さ You once said それも大事だと貴方は言った the strength of showing your weakness is also important (Go for it !! Go for it !!) (Go for it!! Go for it!!) その言葉は重く Your words crash and rage 壊して狂って遮二無二走るけど Heavily, and race recklessly 幻惑の空朧月 The bewitching hazy moon 僕の心映した様ね Looks like it reflected my mind 零れた涙と約束したんだ I've made promise with my dropped tears 絶望に手錠を掛け 希望に靴履かせよう Put handcuffs on despair, boost your hope* 限界作るのは昨日を諦めた虚ろな自分 It's the hollow me who gave up yesterday that enchants in loneliness 寂しさに酔って And sets the boundaries 在り来りな言葉と儚い夢にはしない The feelings that link us to others 僕らから繋げてく I won't see everything that drinks them up 感覚を飲み干す全て as ordinary words and a fleeting dream 無限の世界を夢見た I dreamt of the boundless world 今賽は投げられ The dice is cast Sing as if you were to live forever Sing as if you were to live forever 限りなくゼロに近い Link up even the starting negative number マイナスからのスタートでも繋いでく Very close to zero 僕らならこの未知歩けるだろう I'm sure we can walk through the unknown

