
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

僕の知らない僕-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘The Me I Don't Know’(僕の知らない僕)

道端で見かけた1匹の猫 Saw a kitty on the street とりあえず記念に写真を撮りたいな Oh I hope I can take photos of it ご飯もあげたいな飼えないのなら And feed it too, if I can't keep it 気が済むまで触れ合いたい Then I wanna pet it until I'm satisfied ただ普通に過ごしていたのに知らないヒトが I was just living my life ordinarily, but some humans I don't know 近付いてネタにして挙句の果ての物語 Came close and used me as conversation materials, what a story Just stop harassing me!! Just stop harassing me!! You're no match for my brains. You're no match for my brains. プライベートの欠片も無いな You don't even know me in person Just stop harassing me!! Just stop harassing me!! You're no match for my brains. You're no match for my brains. いつの間に僕の知らない僕が出来上がっていた The me I don't know is completed before I know it 道端で見かけた1匹の犬 A doggy they saw on the street 変顔可愛いユニークな奴 An unique guy with a cute strange face コイツはバズるぞ He's gonna go viral 好きも嫌いも関係無しに収めた And he's taken in no matter how he feels ただ普通に過ごしていたのに知らないヒトが A story about me living my life ordinarily, but some humans I don't know まるで僕を装った様な口ぶりの物語 Pretend to be me Just stop harassing me!! Just stop harassing me!! You're no match for my brains. You're no match for my brains. 気付けばもう有名人さ I've already become famous when I notice that Just stop harassing me!! Just stop harassing me!! You're no match for my brains. You're no match for my brains. いつの間に僕の知らない僕が出来てた The me I don't know is finished before I know it どうしてなんだろう?僕は自由に生きたいだけ I wonder why. I just wanna live freely 誤解されてこういうヒトと決めつけられていくんだ But I'm misunderstood and thought to be some kind of person どうしてなんだろう?僕が普通と思ってた I wonder why. I thought that was nothing special 何もかもを知りたがりな皆が観るのは者語 Everyone wanna know everything, what they're watching isn't real Just stop harassing me!! Just stop harassing me!! You're no match for my brains. You're no match for my brains. ニュースという名前のコメディ The comedy called news Just stop harassing me!! Just stop harassing me!! You're no match for my brains. You're no match for my brains. いつの間に僕の知らない僕が出来てた The me I don't know is finished before I know it Just stop harassing me… Just stop harassing me... Stop to the harassing… Stop to the harassing… どれもこれもそれもいつの間にか All the me I don't know 僕の知らない僕が出来上がっていた Are completed before I know it

