
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Othello-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


Dead sign… Dead sign… 痛み傷跡の数 記憶の足跡 The amount of painful scars You behind… You behind… 明日には僕も標的さ I'll become a target tomorrow too 邪魔者が 嘲笑う The thorn in flesh sneers 憂さ晴らし 決め込んで They decided me as their diversion 居場所なんて何処にも無いと思っていた Thought I didn't belong anywhere 今だけでいいから僕を愛し愛されるまま Destroy me 壊して As you love me and being loved by me, even if it's just for now 声にならない感情論の闇 The dark side of the unutterable emotions 早く消えてくれ Get lost Deep side… Broken deep inside... 壊れそうなお前の歪な頭を I shall wring off your twisted head You behind… Behind you... 息の根を止めて部屋に飾る And decorate the room with it 有り得ない光景が Impossible scene 目の前に広がってく Is expanding in front of me 他人をいたぶる事に幸せ感じた I felt happy by tormenting people 僕だけが君だけが特別だってそんな者 Destroy 壊して Those who think they're special 声に出せない感情の輝き The brilliance of the inexpressible feelings いつか終わるだろう Will end someday 世界はいつも The world always 白か黒かを求め続け Demand things to be black and white 滅ぼし合った And let the two colours wipe out each other なぜだろう今も変わらない I wonder why that hasn't changed ねぇ 誰も気付いてないの? Why does no one notice that? "僕だけが君だけが特別"のせいでこれから Because of 'we're special,' no one 誰にも特別はない 普通でいいんじゃない? Is special from now on, why not be ordinary? 染まらず Destroy me だから今だけでいいから僕を愛し愛すまま As you love me wholeheartedly 壊して Even if it's just for now 声に出せない感情の表裏 Both sides of the inexpressible feelings 早く失せてくれ Bugger off

