
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

skeles me dop HEADz-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘skeles me dop HEADz’

狂える脳×脳天釘バット轟音 Insane mind × rumbling of spiked bats in the skull* 小狡く跳ねるウサギがさ The bunny hopping cunningly その1.頭のトロけた王の番を喰べました First. Ate the ignorant king's mate* その2.汚いだけの♡♡♡噛み千切り捨てた Second. Bit off that filthy ♡♡♡♡♡* ~回想懺悔~ ~Repenting memories~* 腐れた季節に The reason of not going back to the rotten seasons 戻らぬ理由は心残りを累ねている Is my growing wistfulness 君だけは変わらないでいて I just don't want you to change 契りを交わした。あの青くも愛し日々は I destroyed all the green and happy days 僕が全部壊した When we made our vow. 愛アル生キル→憂鬱と絶断 Living with love→melancholy and separation* 堕ちたアナグラクライマー Fallen cellar climbers 雁首並べて私刑を待ち焦がれている Gathered and long to be lynched そのうち地獄も溢れ手詰まり火に入る Eventually, hell is overcrowded and can only burn them 懺悔再び Repent again* 腐った春夏秋冬 The four seasons are already rotten* 最後に聴いた声 守れなくて 夢を見るんだ I dream that I couldn't protect the voice I heard at the end 引き裂いた約束を抱いて With the broken promise in my mind 君が生まれた日 泣き笑って過ごした陽 The sun cried and laughed on the day you were born もう壊れた Is already broken 戻らぬ理由と心残りを累ねている The reason of not going back and wistfulness are growing 君だけは変わらないでいて I just don't want you to change 契りを交わした。でも今すぐ忘れちゃおうね You've already forgotten the vow we made. だから全部壊した That's why I destroyed everything *Notes: skeles me dop HEADz: Acoording to the band's blog, the main meaning of the song title is '頭から消してください' (erase [the memories] from my brain) and the song is about saying goodbye to the past. 狂える脳×脳天釘バット轟音: Pronounced as 'クールエッ ノーテンバ ゴーオン' (cruel no.10 but go on), possibly means 'the tenth time [I'm] being cruel [to you] but still [our relationship] goes on'. その1.: Not sung. その2.: Same as the above. 王: Pronounced as 'きみ' (君), which means 'you'. ~回想懺悔~: The lyrics are '覚えがわるくてごめんなさい/ 普通と違ってごめんなさい/ 嘘つきホラ吹きごめんなさい, which in English are 'Sorry for my poor memory/ Sorry for not being normal/ Sorry for talking big' 愛アル生キル→憂鬱と絶断: Pronounced as 'アイルキル ユーツートゼツダン' (I’ll kill u 2 絶断), possibly means 'I'll kill you to break up'. 懺悔再び: The lyrics are the same as '~回想懺悔~'. 春夏秋冬: Pronounced as 'ひととせ' (一年), which means 'a year'.

