
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

ハイ逮捕!!-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘You're Under Arrest!!’(ハイ逮捕!!)

敬礼 Salute 太陽が昇る東を向いてオハヨー! Turn east, where the sun rises, and say good morning! 敬礼 Salute 太陽が沈む西に向いてアリガトウ! Face west, where the sun sets, and say thank you! 暗闇を照らす光のように You're so bright, like the light that lights up the darkness 眩しくて思わず目を閉じた I can't help closing my eyes 恋心奪う法の逸脱者 Criminal who steals hearts 今日こそは逃がさない I won't let you get away today ハイ逮捕! もう離さんよ! You're under arrest! I won't let you go! アンタの全部が罪罪♡ Everything about you is a crime♡ 窃盗!! 及び尊い存在、紛れもなくこれ重罪です Theft!! And your precious existence are undeniably felonies ハイ逮捕! ノー仮釈放! You're under arrest! No parole! 一周回って神神☆ At the end of the day, you're the best☆ 現行!! 愛の加速度超過 Red-handed!! Exceeded the speed limit of love 「Woo」 パトランプが鳴り止まない! 'Woo', police siren won't stop wailing! 答礼。命ある限り Resalute. As long as I'm alive 愛には愛10倍The ANSER The answer will be 10 times of your love 返礼。ささやかな Return. A small gift 愛を込めた贈り物を With lots of love 太陽は吠えるモノじゃない 愛でるモノ You don't howl at the sun, you admire it ハイ逮捕! もう離さんよ! You're under arrest! I won't let you go! アンタの全部が罪罪♡ Everything about you is a crime♡ 窃盗!! 及び尊い存在、紛れもなくこれ重罪です Theft!! And your precious existence are undeniably felonies ハイ逮捕! ノー仮釈放! You're under arrest! No parole! 一周回って神神☆ At the end of the day, you're the best☆ 現行!! 愛の加速度超過 Red-handed!! Exceeded the speed limit of love 「Woo」 パトランプはフル回転 'Woo', beacon light is flashing ワッパで拘束 御師の太夫さん Handcuff the suspect I like* 真っ赤な太陽 ホシは許さん The stars won't forgive the bright red sun* マッハで光速 逃げる太夫さん Suspect escapes real fast, like the speed of light 1. 2. 3. ラブい太夫さん 1. 2. 3. What a cute suspect 暗闇を照らす光のように You're so bright, like the light that lights up the darkness 眩しくて思わず目を閉じた I can't help closing my eyes 恋心奪う法の逸脱者 Criminal who steals hearts 今日こそは逃がさない I won't let you get away today ハイ逮捕! もう離さんよ! You're under arrest! I won't let you go! アンタの全部が罪罪♡ Everything about you is a crime♡ 窃盗!! 及び尊い存在、紛れもなくこれ重罪です Theft!! And your precious existence are undeniably felonies ハイ逮捕! ノー仮釈放! You're under arrest! No parole! 一周回って神神☆ At the end of the day, you're the best☆ 現行!! 愛の加速度超過 Red-handed!! Exceeded the speed limit of love 「Woo」 パトランプが鳴り止まない! 'Woo', police siren won't stop wailing! *Notes: 御師の太夫さん: '御師' is pronounced the same as '推し (おし)', which means the favourite person, usually from a idol group or anime. '太夫さん' is an expression in Kinki Region meaning 'suspect'. ホシ: An expression in Kinki Region also meaning 'suspect'.

