
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Grandfather Please Stand on the Shoulders of My Father While He's Deep-Sea Fishing-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

《祖父請在我父親出海獵魚時保佑他》(Grandfather Please Stand on the Shoulders of My Father While He's Deep-Sea Fishing)

Three white butterflies to know you're near 三隻白蝴蝶就能讓我知道你在我身旁 I know they think that it took somebody else 我知道他們覺得就像他們所期望那樣 To make me beautiful, beautiful 是別人的故事 As they intended me to be 使我美麗動人 But they're wrong 但他們錯了 I know they think that it took thousands of people 我知道他們覺得得齊集千千萬萬個人的故事 To put me together again 才可以像個實驗般 Like an experiment 將我拼合而成 Some big men behind the scenes 幕後有些大人物 Sewing Frankenstein black dreams into my songs 將黑暗怪異的幻想帶入我的歌裏 But they're wrong 但他們錯了 God, if You're near me, send me three white butterflies 主啊,要是你在我身旁,請派三隻白蝴蝶來 Or an owl to know You're listening, sitting while I'm drinking 或在我喝酒時派一隻貓頭鷹來,讓我知道你坐下聽着 Grandfather, please stand on the shoulders of my father 祖父啊,請在我父親出海到太平洋狩獵鯊魚時 While he's deep-sea fishing for sharks in the Pacific 保佑他 'Cause I'm good in spirit, warm-bodied 因為我本性善良,是個有血有肉的人 A fallible deity wrapped up in white 一個全身被白色包裹、容易犯錯的女神 I'm folk, I'm jazz, I'm blue, I'm green 我既像民謠又像爵士樂,既憂鬱又商業化 Regrettably, also a white woman 很可惜,亦是個白人女人 But have good intentions, even if I'm one of the last ones 即使碩果僅存,但我心懷好意 If you don't believe me, my poetry and my melodies 要是你不相信我,以你的直覺 Feel it in your bones 感受我的詩詞和旋律 I have good intentions, even if I'm one of the last ones 即使碩果僅存,但我心懷好意 Ah-ha-ah, yeah, ah-ha-ah, yeah, ah-ha-ah, yeah, mmm 啊 Grandfather, please stand on the shoulders of my father 祖父,請在我父親出海到太平洋狩獵他想要的東西時 While he's deep-sea fishing for all the things he's wishing 保佑他 God, if You're near me, send me three white butterflies 主啊,要是你在我身旁,請派三隻白蝴蝶來 Or a map to know Your vision, impart on me Your wisdom 或派我一張令我可以了解你計劃的地圖,賜我你的智慧 It took somebody else to make me beautiful 就如他們所期望那樣 Wonderful 是別人的故事使我美麗動人 As they intended me to be 令人讚嘆不已 But they're wrong 但他們錯了 Three white butterflies to know you're near 三隻白蝴蝶就能讓我知道你在我身旁

