
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

ZIHARD-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


君に届けと祈る程に The fire spurting far, powerfully, sorrowfully 遠く強く切なく迸る炎 That I wish it could reach you 消えていく Is dying 許されない業火の中 Spread your wings and pray 羽広げ願う In the unforgiving hellfire 空に高く舞え Dance high up in the sky あの雲より遠くへと導いて Lead me to somewhere farther than that cloud 鎖に繋がれた If my confined body この身体に要は無いなら Is not needed 自由と嘘に乾杯 Then here's to freedom and lies 君に届けと祈る程に Memories overflowing far, strongly, sorrowfully 遠く強く切なく That I wish it could reach you 溢れる思い薄れてく Is fading away 擦れ違う度重なる影 Shadows overlap every time we walk by each other 加速する背中に戸惑いを覚えていた I was puzzled about the hurrying figure 形変えて色褪せてく過去 Decorate beautifully 綺麗に飾る The changing and fading past 星を眺めても心は輝かない I know that my heart won't shine 気付いていた Even if I look up at the stars 願い風に乗せて Wishes ride the wind 黎明に鐘を鳴らす And ring the bell of dawn Utopia is sleeping under your feet Utopia is sleeping under your feet 君に届けと祈る程に Memories overflowing far, strongly, sorrowfully 遠く強く切なく That I wish it could reach you 溢れる思い薄れてく Is fading away 擦れ違う度重なる影 Shadows overlap every time we walk by each other 二度と会えない We won't meet again また消えていく空を Shoot through the fading sky 撃ち抜いてくれよ And zihard ZIHARDを Again for me

