
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

JOKER+28-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


不敵な笑みを浮かべ Give a fearless smile 嘲笑い喰らう Dripping to the JOKER! Ridicule and devour, Dripping to the JOKER! 命を殺める事で祝福を手にしてる I get blessed by killing lives だってこの世界が唱った 'Cause that's what the world advocates 「魂の浄化で神に近づける」を信じました Believed "I could get closer to God by purifying souls" 言われるがままの道化師です I was an obedient clown 采配を振られYes Noもココには無い Follow orders, No choice between yes or no キミ笑うなら夜に染まるさ I'd blend into the night if you smile 明日があるかさえも分からない Don't even know if there's tomorrow 孤独に飢え 傷を舐める 赤鼻 地獄にナイフを Craves for loneliness to lick his wound, red nose, stabs hell 踊れシハイ掌の上 Be controlled by the manipulating hand 掴んだ手を離さぬように I dance even though I know tonight is also a mistake 今夜も過ちと知りながら舞う So as not to let go the hand 回れキミと掌の中 Turn round and round with you on the palm どうせこの世はいつか終わるなら If this world will end someday 新世界へ Let's just go to the new world 右にならえしか能が無いな As I noticed people could only follow suit 気付いた時には誰もが向かない I began to want to 左の景色見てみたいと思えた Run with the wolves TVの前で繰り返される狂信 Fanaticism is repeating in front of the TV 何が正しく何が真実か 赤鼻 天国に中指 What's right and what's real, red nose, gives heaven the finger 踊れサバキ掌の上 Be controlled by the hand of judgement 今までをカラスの羽根と浮かべて Turn everything up until now into crow's wing 舞い戻れ 反逆の彼方へ And return to the rebellious other side 回れキミと掌の中 Turn round and round with you on the palm 幸せはいつか終わるから Happiness will end someday コロシテシマエ So why not just kill it 踊れシハイ掌の上 Be controlled by the manipulating hand 掴んだ手を離さぬように I dance even though I know tonight is also a mistake 今夜も過ちと知りながら舞う So as not to let go the hand 回れキミと掌の中 Turn round and round with you on the palm どうせこの世はいつか終わるなら If this world will end someday 新世界へ≒ †28√e98U Let's just go to the new world ≒ †28√e98U

