
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

CONFLICT-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


とめどなく悩み尽きない道 How's the view あっちの景色は素敵だろうか On the road with endless worries 生きてく理由も特に無いし There's no particular reason to live だけど死にたくもないから But the blue bird doesn't wanna die 青い鳥に嘆いては So it sighs こうして今日もまたやり過ごしている And waits for today to pass again 生まれた時の僕らには When we were born 汚れの無い夢や未来があって We had pure dreams and future でも今は先の知れた道に But now, we ignore 目を塞いでる The known road ahead 好きな事も何をするにも No matter things I like or something else 気が合うよねってそれで良かった Getting alone well would do 悲しみ半分こして喜び2倍膨らんで Halve sadness and expand happiness by twice いつの間にか僕にはもう Before I knew it, that became uncomfortable to me 居心地も悪くなって話を聞くフリもした And I was just pretending I was listening 僕らは予定通りに今日まで歩んだつもりだった We're supposed to get to today as we planned 出会った時の僕らに When we first met 美しい世界が広がっていて A beautiful world spread inside us それを信じたままにただ We're just in love with it 愛してただけ As the way we're believing in it だけど今爪を殺陣て But now, we're fighting hard* 忍び寄り想 The approaching thoughts 別れの予感を are searching for light 信じたくなくて光探すよ 'Cause they don't wanna believe in their feeling of parting 生まれた時の僕らには When we were born 汚れの無い夢や未来があって We had pure dreams and future でも今は先の知れた道に But now, we ignore 目を塞いでる The known road ahead いつかその目を拭って Promoise that you'll definitely wipe your tears 道を変えてみせると約束しよう And take a new path 自分を信じられたのなら Spring into action 動き出せばいい If you can believe in yourself 君の笑う顔も忘れない様に I shall walk till the end 最果てまで行こうか So not to forget your smile それまで僕はずっと歌うよ I'll sing forever until then

