
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

帝王切開-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Caesarean Section’(帝王切開)

切り貼りを並べてはモンタージュ If you keep on cutting and pasting, then that's just photomontage 模造となる展開で An imitation development ちっともそれ面白く無いよ Ain't lit at all でもよく似合う But that suits you 似合ってるなあ!! That suits you well!! ワオッ!! Wow!! 最高傑作ですって It's a masterpiece, they say それはめでたいね Good for you 皆優秀ですって…片腹痛い Everyone is so talented, they say... That's ridiculous 恥を知れ!! Be ashamed of yourself!! Go gallow!! Send yourself to the gallows!! 今腹を切り生み出せば I felt that something would change 何かが変わるような気がしてた If I cut open my belly and give birth 想像超える結末なら拒む理由はないさ There's no reason to refuse if the ending of the lyrics for ordinary sounds that everyone likes ありふれた音に合う誰もが好むような言の葉に Is gonna exceed your expectation 皆、天明を待って願っているんだ Everyone, is waiting for daybreak and praying ファッキュー!!俺にゃ余計なお節介!! Fuck you!! Mind your own business!! 言えるかな? 言えるかな? Can you say 'this is for sure original!!' out loud? 「これが間違いなくオリジナルだ!!」って Can you say it out loud? 癒えるかな? 癒えるかな? Can they heal people living with unhealed wounds? 傷を抱えて今日も生きるアイツは Can it heal them? ワオッ!! Wow!! 最高傑作ですって It's a masterpiece, they say それはめでたいね Good for you 見な優秀ですって Look, that's so talented, they say 片腹痛いッ!! Ridiculous!! Go gallow!! Send yourself to the gallows!! あーもう死んでおくれ!! Ughhh, go to hell!! 今腹を切り生み出した I felt that something I cut open my belly and gave birth to 何かが変わるような気がしてた Was gonna change 想像超える結末なら拒む理由はないさ There's no reason to refuse if the ending of the lyrics for ambiguous sounds that everyone likes 曖昧な音に合う誰もが好むような言の葉に Is gonna exceed your expectations 皆、 点睛を欠いて笑っているんだ Everyone is laughing dully ファッキュー!!吐き出せ帝王切開!! Fuck you!! Spit it out by C-section!!

