
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

モノクロ-飛燕の夜--零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Monochrome -the Night of Flying Swallow-’(モノクロ-飛燕の夜-)

最後の夜の月を観て過ごそう Let's spend our last night by seeing the moon 明日は暗い海か空かな? Will tommorrow be a dark sea or a dark sky? 手紙も書いたし We've written our letters 仲間もいるし Our team is also with us 僕らはこうして笑ってる And so we smile 朝日の出焼き付けて Keep the rising sun in your mind 飛び出したなら風を感じるよ You'll feel the wind as soon as you take off スピード上げて僕らの声を歴史に Speed up and leave our marks on history 友を待つ空に And tell the sky waiting for a friend まばらな星の数をまた教えていくよ How many stars there are 地平線の彼方手を伸ばして Reach out my hand to the other side of the horizon 大切なあなたを思って And have you in my mind 机上の空論並べても No matter how many plans on paper have been made 仕方ないから砕け散ろう None works, so it's time to shatter 涙笑顔で In tears and smile 子どもの頃に夢見てたヒーロー The heroes I dreamt of when I was small 明日は僕が主人公かな? Will I be one tomorrow? 後悔は無い 覚悟を決めて We brace ourselves, have no regrets 僕らはこうして笑ってる And smile 還れないと知っているけど Although I know I won't be able to return home 今日も夕日姿待っているよ I'm still waiting for that day by the sunset 地平線の彼方手を伸ばして Reach out my hand to the other side of the horizon 大切なあなたを思って And have you on my mind 机上の空論並べても No matter how many plans on paper have been made 仕方ないから砕け散ろう None works, so it's time to wipe my tears 涙拭いで And shatter さぁ Now 地平線の彼方手を伸ばして I reach out my hand to the other side of the horizon 大切なあなたを思って And have you on my mind 机上の空論並べても No matter how many plans on paper have been made 仕方ない None works だからこうして That's why we do this 僕らの生き様を刻むよ And leave our story behind 駆け抜けるんだ何もかもが We're gonna surpass everything 澄み切ってく青い空が I wish 世界を変えますようにと The clearing blue sky 願い込めて Could change the world Note: モノクロ-飛燕の夜-: According to the band's blog, the lyrics was inspired by WWII, as the band visited Chiran Peace Museum for Kamikaze Pilots (知覧特攻平和会館) in 2016. '飛燕' propably refers to the Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien (litterally "flying swallow"). It was a Japanese WWII fighter aircraft used by the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service and designated the "Army Type 3 Fighter" (三式戦闘機).

