
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

モーラニクスピーカー-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Moronic Speaker’(モーラニクスピーカー)

他人に紛れてやりすごしてます Blending into others and muddling through 直ぐやいのやいの言いたくなります Wanna press others hard right away でも下手こきゃ吊し上げられて But I'm criticised 'cause I ain't bad at it 人権とはなんぞやと思います And I think what human rights are 自己肯定感なら低めで Low self-esteem 承認欲求は満たされなくて Unsatisfied desire of recognition いっそのこと消えちまう方が Makes me begin to think that いくらかマシに思えてくるのです It's better to disappear Reincarnate!!なんか世知辛くて Reincarnate!! Life is kinda tough Reincarnate!!そぐわんかったね Reincarnate!! I felt it didn't suit me Reincarnate!!今世で終わらせて Reincarnate!! End this life Reincarnate!!やり直す Reincarnate!! And start over あーやっぱ惨めだな Aah I knew that's pathetic ほら、あーなんか無様だな See, how disgraceful that is イヤだイヤだイヤだイヤだ No, no, no, no 今冥界の世界が手を招く The underworld is waving its hands 痛みを叫んで此岸を駆け抜けろ Scream in pain and live your current life 何言われても No matter what people say about you So what!!だSo what!!だ So what!!だね So what!! So what!! So what!! Innit 自由を求め生きることに諦めがつけば If you give up looking and living for freedom ここでララバイ Then sing the lullaby here さあ気張ってこう Give it your all ビビってんなよ Don't freak out 思うままにやったれい Just do so you like 今冥界の世界が手を招く The underworld is waving its hands 正解不正解求めちゃいねぇ I ain't looking for the correct or incorrect answer 鬱蒼とした曇を裂いて If I split the thick cloud 天に召されりゃ神にもなれる And ascend to heaven, I can even become God 泣いては笑ってを繰り返す日々に If you're sick of crying and laughing every day 嫌気がさしたら逝こうぜ!! Then die!! 痛みも振り切って彼岸へ駆け抜けろ Shake off the pain and set off for the other side 何を言われても No matter what people say about you So what!!だSo what!!だSo what!!誰? So what!! So what!! So what!! Who are you? 自由を求め生きることに諦めがついた You gave up looking and living for freedom ここでララバイ Sing the lullaby here さあ気張ってGO!! Give it your all and GO!! ビビってんなよ Don't freak out 思うままにやったれい Just do as you like

