
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

REAL-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


果てしなく広く遠い海 The never-ending ocean is vast and far away 舵を取りさぁ行こう Steer, and go 獣ゾロいのナミを超える Pass through the roaring waves Going to the Lost HEVEAN Going to the Lost HEAVEN ウソの羅針盤に 騙されちゃいけない You mustn't be fooled by the lying compass 自分の心のゆくままに Follow your heart 大惨事になってもビビらなくていいさ Need not to be afraid even if it turns into a catastrophe 七コロビ八起きで 'Cause fall down seven times, get up eight Get Break out!! Break out!! Find the way and stay away Find the way and stay away 夢を掴む為に旗を掲げて We get started so to make our dreams come true Get Break out!! Break out!! Find the way and stay away Find the way and stay away 願いを今こそ誓いに変えてゆく And turn our wishes into promises now 航海するごトニ The more we go on a voyage ボクらの絆は深くなってくよ The stronger our bond will become 太陽に広がる 夢の続きと We're gonna engrave the rest of dream expanding to the sun 色んな景色を刻んでくよ And different sceneries in your mind ウソの羅針盤をフランクに信じて We believe everything the lying compass shows 自分の心のゆくままに Follow our heart 大惨事になってもブルつかなくていい Need not to be scared even if it turns into a catastrophe 七コロビ八起きで 'Cause fall down seven times, get up eight 古びた地図を手に If the old map in my hand 人の夢と書いて儚いと書くなら Says dreams are fleeting 人でいる事を辞めてやるさ I'll give up being a human Get Break out!! Break out!! Find the way and stay away Find the way and stay away 夢を掴む為に旗を掲げて We get started so to make our dreams come true Get Break out!! Break out!! Find the way and stay away Find the way and stay away 願いを今こそ誓いに変えてゆく And turn our wishes into promises now 紅く燃えて思いを風に乗せてく Blaze up and let the breeze carry away our thoughts Get Break out Break out Find the way, stay away.. Find the way, stay away... To be continue..... To be continued...

