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PENGUIN DIVE-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


生まれながら僕達は不平等な世界に生きて We've been living in an unfair world since we're born 誰かを羨む事でその価値に蓋をするんだ And we sweep the value under the rug because of jealousy 自分らしさという結晶は暖めても溶けない The crystal called being yourself will not melt even if it gets warm 不同不二で不自由の無い 一つだけの宝石 It's an unique and free, one and only jewel 「何の為の翼?」と 哀れな目を向けた鳥に Reply the bird said 'what are these wings for?' with pity 「もっとずっと凄いもの見せてやるんだ」と 'They're used to show people something much more amazing' 飛び込んでみせよう And show it how I dive in PENGUIN DIVE 僕だけの大空へ PENGUIN DIVE, into my sky BETTER FLY 彗星も追い越して BETTER FLY, even overtake the comets 白く光る世界にオーロラより輝く And shine brighter than the aurora in the white shimmering world PENGUIN DIVE 底抜けのフリーダムを PENGUIN DIVE, through the bottomless freedom FAR AWAY どこまでも遠くまで FAR AWAY, somewhere far away 明日も夢を見よう ほらまた何ができるのかな? Dream again tomorrow, is there anything you can do again? 幸せはなるものじゃない 年を取り気付いてくもの You don't become happy, you become aware that you are as you grow older 僕は僕であればいい 君は君であればいい Just be myself, just be yourself この広い星の中で温度差も高低差も The big planet doesn't need a standard for 基準なんてさ 決めなくていい On temperature or height 地球の真ん中は君だ You're the centre of Earth ホワイトアウトした夢を A sigh that clears up 晴らすほどのため息でいい The dream whited out will do もっとずっとしゃがみ込め Crouch down a little longer 飛び立つ為の大事な時だろう It's an important time for taking off PENGUIN DIVE 君だけの大空へ PENGUIN DIVE, into your sky BETTER FLY 届かないゴールは無い BETTER FLY, no goals we can't achieve 広く伸びた宇宙のロケットよりも速く Faster than the rockets in the vast space PENGUIN DIVE 海原の王国へ PENGUIN DIVE, into the kingdom of ocean FAR AWAY 高らかに声あげて FAR AWAY, raise your voice 明後日も夢を見よう Dream again overmorrow ほらもうステージは開かれた The curtain is already up 素通りしたストーリーも迎えに行こうか Let's also face the stories we avoided 可能性という名の翼広げて Spread the wings called possibility PENGUIN DIVE 僕だけの大空へ PENGUIN DIVE, into my sky BETTER FLY 彗星も追い越して BETTER FLY, even overtake the comets 白く光る世界にオーロラより輝く And shine brighter than aurora in the white shimmering world PENGUIN DIVE 底抜けのフリーダムを PENGUIN DIVE, through the bottomless freedom FAR AWAY どこまでも遠くまで FAR AWAY, somewhere far away 何度も夢を見よう ほらまた何ができるのかな? Dream again and again, is there anything you can do again? 生まれて来られて良かったな Glad I'm born and made it here

