
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

AWAKING BEAT-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


鳴り止まぬNoise Non-stop Noise 生まれながら 備わる思考 The thought you're born with Don't run away life Don't run away from your life 定められた生存競争 A forced survival of the fittest 成長は自由を奪い Growing up is about losing your freedom 恐怖を覚える事だけど And feeling scared 限りある時間の中で絶望するにはまだ早い But it's too early to feel despair in the limited time 挑戦者は夢を見て Challengers dream 未来理想を手に入れる And realise their ideals 臆病者は殺されて Are cowards being killed 慈悲なき世界からBYE-BYE かい? And forced to say GOODBYE to the merciless world? (BABY ROCK BREAK DOWN! ) (BABY ROCK BREAK DOWN! ) 掴み取るPride Have Pride in yourself 明日はBRAVER Tomorrow you'll be BRAVER 見つけろANSWER Find the ANSWER もがいて刻みつけるSTORY Strive and leave your STORY BROKEN HEART何度でも命燃やして行け BROKEN HEART, make all-out effort times and again もがけ SURVIVOR Strive, SURVIVOR 負けるなFIGHTER Hang in there, FIGHTER 迷わず信じる可能性 Believe in possibilities firmly AWAKING BEAT響かせて時代を生き残れ Sound the AWAKING BEAT and survive in this time さぁ、歩みだせ Now, get your foot in the door 人生賭ける大勝負でCHANCE泣いても一度限り Even if you cry, the CHANCE to win or lose when you risk your life comes only once 泣いて叫んで負けようと狙うのは最後に大逆転 You cry, you scream, and decide to give up, but the result is a total opposite 幼稚に暴れ出す A big monster full of mistakes 間違いだらけ大怪獣 Rages in childishness 変身出来ない雑魚キャラは Extras unable to transform 闘争メンタルの上昇啓発タイム Are getting inspired for their ambition (BABY SOUND HOPE PEACE! ) (BABY SOUND HOPE PEACE! ) 守り抜くPride Protect your Pride with all cost 弱気なHERO Weak HERO 本能MONSTER MONSTER of instinct 運命抗い続ける Keep fighting against your fate JUST GROWING UP常識など捨ててしまえばいい JUST GROW UP, let go of your common sense もがけ SURVIVOR Strive, SURVIVOR 負けるなFIGHTER Hang in there, FIGHTER 迷わず信じる可能性 Believe in possibilities firmly AWAKING BEAT響かせて時代を生き残れ Sound the AWAKING BEAT and survive in this time 苦しくても Even if it ain't easy 嘘偽りなく生きる事 In the world where it's difficult それが難しい世界で To live true 怯えても怖がっても Even if you're frightened, even if you're scared また夜が明ける The day will break again だから So LONELY LIFE LONELY LIFE ONLY KNIGHT ONLY KNIGHT 弱さを愛し Embrace your weakness 夢で刃を喉元へと… Put a knife to your throat in your dream... 無邪気な僕が掴む希望は輝いて見える石ころDIAMOND The hope that the innocent me found is a shining stone, DIAMOND 磨いたら何より綺麗に見えたんだ It'll look much more beautiful than anything else after polishing 明日はBRAVER Tomorrow you'll be BRAVER 見つけろANSWER Find the ANSWER もがいて刻みつけるSTORY Strive and leave your STORY BROKEN HEART何度でも命燃やして行け BROKEN HEART, make all-out effort times and again もがけ SURVIVOR Strive, SURVIVOR 負けるなFIGHTER Hang in there, FIGHTER 迷わず信じる可能性 Believe in possibilities firmly AWAKING BEAT響かせて時代を生き残れ Sound the AWAKING BEAT and survive in this time さぁ、歩みだせ Now, get your foot in the door

