
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

YAIBA-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


途方に暮れる時間を過ごして We felt lost 退屈しのぎに 音を鳴らした And made some sound out of sheer boredom 半狂乱な意地で Because of our frantic stubbornness 腐っていく今を変えると刃を合わせた We fought with swords so to change the rotting moment Just coming!! Do it together enough!! Just come here!! Us together will be enough!! 俺とお前の手で With your and my hands 掴み取れるはずさ We should be able to seize it 夢や希望を忘れてたわけじゃないんだろう? I bet you didn't forget your dreams and hope, did you? 俺達が連れてゆく 何処までも行こう We'll lead the way, we'll go anywhere 6人目の刃は お前自身だ You, are the sixth sword 詰まらない事で言い合いもした We did argue about something stupid その度にもっと笑顔になれた But every time, we smiled even more afterwards 不安通り越し What you need to do is to get over the fear 自分達が信じた道を突き進むだけさ And keep going on the path you believed Just coming!! Do it together enough!! Just come here!! Us together will be enough!! 指切りの約束 A pinky promise とめどなく溢れる日々が大切さ The overflowing days are presious to us これからもずっと一緒にいよう I hope we'll be together forever 書き連ねた言葉に嘘はないから There's no lies in words I wrote 手を引く俺達についてくればいい Just hold our hands and follow us 自分を責めないで Don't blame yourself 始めるんだ It's happening さぁ 手を Come, you should be able 掴み取れるはずさ To seize it 夢や希望を忘れてたわけじゃないんだろう? I bet you didn't forget your dreams and hope, did you? 俺達が連れてゆく 何処までも行こう We'll lead the way, we'll go anywhere 刃を抜け Draw out your sword

