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MAD BLOOD-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


Don't look back 甘い Don't look back, tempting the defeated warrior Keep your head up 声で Keep your head up, with a Make the WAY 誘う敗れた戦士が Make the WAY, sweet voice 一か八かの勝負さえも Even the fight between one and eight 遺伝学的予定調和へ Are turning into pre-established harmony of genetics クソみたいな社会のせいで鈍る感覚に Anaesthetize the feeling 麻酔かけて That goes numb because of the shitty society 要らない I don't need 求めたのは This isn't 要らない I don't need this コレじゃない What I wanted "思ってたのと違う" 'Different from what I thought' 言葉に殴られ Being beaten up by words 理想主義者の生き血を浴びてる競争社会(この世界)は The competitive society (the world) is bathing in the blood of idealists Overflow MAD BLOOD Overflowing MAD BLOOD Take me out愛を Take me out, a devil Lost emotion望む Lost emotion, desiring of You're hopeless悪魔 You're hopeless, love 媚びても意味は無い It's meaningless to flatter 比較対象を側に置いて Put your comparison target beside you 阿呆はおんぶに抱っこ 笑えない Idiots onlydepend on someone else, that ain't funny クソみたいな社会に逆らっても I guess even if you go against the shitty society 除け者扱いされてくんだろう You'll be iced out 汚い How filthy 競争社会(この世界)は The competitive society (the world) Is 汚い How filthy 救えない Unsavable 何が正しいのか What's right 何が間違いか And what's wrong あの日憧れた理想は死んだ The dream I had on that day is dead 止まることない MAD BLOOD won't stop Overflow MAD BLOOD Overflowing 怖い I'm scared 進む事も Of going forward 怖い I'm scared 下がるのも Of backing away どうしたらいいのか I guess you don't know 分からないんだろう? What you should do, right? 全て何かの所為にしてみても Even if you blame everything on something else 埋められない That won't fill you up 汚い How filthy 競争社会(この世界)は The competitive society (the world) Is 汚い How filthy 救えない Unsavable 何が正しいのか What's right 何が間違いか And what's wrong 理想主義者の生き血を浴びてる競争社会(この世界)は The competitive society (the world) is bathing in the blood of idealists Overflow MAD BLOOD Overflowing MAD BLOOD 狂っている Has gone mad Overflow MAD BLOOD Overflowing MAD BLOOD

