
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

喝采-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


水鏡 映る姿 哀れ…若しくは滑稽か Is the face reflected in water pathetic... Or funny 晒すのは 巡々る 己が欲の末路なりて It shows that, after wandering around, you are blinded by desire 幾度となく繰り返す仏の祈り虚しく Prayers to Buddha repeat vainly time and again 刺され、焼かれ、その命の 行方を知るはせせらぎか Is the babbling brook the only one that knows the whereabouts of the life being stabbed and burnt 拍手喝采 拍手喝采 Cheer and applause, cheer and applause 絶賛 歓喜 阿鼻叫喚 Praises, joy, agonising cries 拍手喝采 拍手喝采 Cheer and applause, cheer and applause 茫然自失の中で Whilst being at a loss and stunned 拍手喝采 拍手喝采 Cheer and applause, cheer and applause 絶賛 歓喜 阿鼻叫喚 Praises, joy, agonising cries 拍手喝采 拍手喝采 Cheer and applause, cheer and applause 躊躇の無い怨嗟 Resent without hesitation 闇に溶けて消え行く懺悔 Confession gradually dissolves and disappears in darkness 心の淵…感じていた 罪悪感と静かな絶叫 I felt... Guilty and quiet screams deep inside my heart 幾度となく繰り返す 仏の祈り遮る Interrupting the prayers to Buddha time and again 濁流の様な笑い声は 命流す夢幻 Laughter that feels like muddy water is the fantasy of time passing away 闇に溶けて消え行く懺悔 Confession gradually dissolves and disappears in darkness 「南無阿弥陀仏」 'Namo Amitabha'

