
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Aim for HEAVEN-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Aim for HEAVEN’

長い夜の闇の中で独り善がり If days where I feel smug in the darkness of long nights 飽き足りない日が続くのなら And unsatisfied continue 羽ばたき飛びたいな手錠外して I wish I could undo the handcuffs and spread my wings 隣り合わせの自由 The freedom next to us 帰り道は無いらしい Seems to be a one-way road 伸るか反るか We either make or break 果てしない空を抱いて行こう I shall embrace the boundless sky どこまでも高く No matter how far away it is 目を閉じれば浮かぶ笑顔と The smiles I see as I close my eyes 思い出が蘇るよAim for Heaven And memories will come back to me, aim for heaven 何も悪い事は無いさ It's already too late 気が付いた時には When I realise it won't be something bad... 遅いけど…仕方ない But it can't be helped 堕ちていったのは世界 It's the world that's fallen Get down Get down Falling down Failing down I miss you I miss you 果てしない空と堕ちていこう I shall fall with the boundless sky 全てに別れを Bid farewell to everything 目を閉じれば浮かぶ笑顔と The smiles I see as I close my eyes 思い出が遠ざかるよAim for you And memories will fade away, aim for you 幾つもの明日を迎える If the day その日が来たなら Where I greet thousands of tomorrow come 壊れない僕を捧げよう I shall devote an unbreakable me 新しい空はあるAim for Heaven A new sky will be there, aim for heaven

