
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

君がいた日々-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Days Where You were There’(君がいた日々)

Love is like a flower Love is like a flower 咲いては散ってく様に It blossoms and withers Love is like a sand Love is like the sand すり抜けていく It slips through my fingers 罪なひとでズルい君は Sinfully and cunningly 不意に僕の事を You always tease me 下の名前で呼んだりして By calling my first name からかってくる Unexpectedly 伝えたいのに 伝えられない I want to tell you, but I can't もっと話したい それすらもできない I want to talk to you more, but I can't even do that 閉じ込めているこの想い When will I be able いつになったら言えるのかな To tell you my hidden feelings 渡り廊下で走る君を目で追いかけ Though my eyes follow you as you run along the corridor 想う事に悩む自分がいるけれど Whilst I'm bothered by my thoughts 届かなくていい You don't have to know 君を好きでいれる I feel happy それだけで僕は幸せなんだ Even only by falling for you 月日が経ち君にはもう As time goes by 寄り添う人がいて You've got someone to cuddle with 目を合わせる事さえも And now できなくなってた Our eyes won't even meet 忘れたはず 忘れられない I should've forgotten about you, but I can't 忘れなくちゃ そんな事できない It's time to forget about you, but I can't even do that 想わないと思う度 Every time I convince myself I'm not thinking about you 自分に嘘をついていた I lie to myself ピアノを弾く君の横顔が好きだよ I like when you play the piano 下手くそでも心に響くそのメロディー You may not be good at it but the melody touches me 言わなくていい I don't have to tell you 心に閉じたまま It stayed in my heart 最後の放課後が終わってく Until the last school day finished 渡り廊下で走る君を目で追いかけ Though my eyes follow you as you run along the corridor 想う事に悩む自分がいるけれど Whilst I'm bothered by my thoughts 僕は走り君の手を掴んだ I ran and caught you by the arm 涙を堪えながら話す Talk to you whilst holding back my tears ピアノを弾く君の横顔が好きとか I talked about you a bit too much 恥ずかしい程君を語ってしまった Said something like I like when you play the piano そんな僕に優しい顔をして You looked at me gently 頬を濡らし不意にキスをした Tears rolled down your face and you gave me a kiss unexpectedly

