
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

学級崩壊-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Classroom Chaos’(学級崩壊)

あーだのこーだの言うけど Though they're talking about all kinds of things 所詮どいつもこいつも一緒さ Everyone's the same 幼い頃植えつけられその感覚がレールになってる The feeling I was indoctrinated when I was young is becoming a reality 手で顔覆う隙間から As I was covering my face with my hands チラリと見えた社会のル一ルは I had a glimpse of the social norms 想像とは随分違ったな They're quite different from what I expected 僕はその当たり前が分からない I don't understand the obviousness 学級崩壊 あらバラバラ 個性無個性が飛び交い飛散 Classroom chaos, ah it's falling apart, strong and weak characters mix and scatter 学級崩壊 見な皆様 吠えて暴れて何を言ってんの Classroom chaos, everyone look, what are they even saying when they scream and rage 何かが起こるきっかけは If being allocentric is the reason いつの時代も他人本位なら Of why things happen in every era 僕もそこに巻き込まれるのかな Will I also be embroiled in them 痛いのは嫌だから黙っておこう I hate misery so it's better to just shut up さあ鐘が鳴る大人しく席につこう The bell is ringing, go back to your sits 役に立たない座学よりも I learnt much more from the hierarchy in the classroom 教室で学ぶのはヒエラルキー Than all the useless lectures 学級崩壊 またハラハラ 個性無個性が飛び交い悲惨 Classroom chaos, ah it's falling apart, strong and weak characters mix tragically 学級崩壊 見な皆様 吠えて暴れてちょっと待って Classroom chaos, everyone please look, screaming and raging, wait 学級崩壊 ほらコラコラ 罵声や怒声が飛び交う始末 Classroom chaos, hey stop, at the end scolding begins 学級崩壊 gonna粉々 これが社会の縮図だったんだ Classroom chaos, I'm gonna shatter into pieces, this is a miniature society* 学級崩壊 あらバラバラ 個性無個性が飛び交い飛散 Classroom chaos, ah it's falling apart, strong and weak characters mix and scatter 学級崩壊 見な皆様 吠えて暴れてやってらんねえ Classroom chaos, everyone look, I'm done with the screaming and raging FUCK YOU!! 本来大人になりゃ少しはマシになるかと思った FUCK YOU!! I thought things would get better when I grew up 感情決壊 馬鹿が育つ四角い部屋で Breaking down in the room idiots grow up in 明日もきっと絶叫乱舞 I'm sure I'll scream in excitement again tomorrow トチ狂ってんな That's fucking nuts *Note: 学級崩壊: Meaning the lost of classroom discipline. これが社会の縮図だったんだ: Sung as 'これが全ての縮図だったんだ', which means 'this is the miniature of everything'.

