
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

否定ノ渦-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Vortex of Denial’(否定ノ渦)

さよなら さよなら Goodbye, goodbye それは理想と現実の様な That feels like a dream and reality さよなら さよなら Goodbye, goodbye それは決して相容れぬ独り That is an incompatible solitude 孤独に酔う被害妄想 Paranoia indulges in loneliness 行きも帰りも溢れる欺瞞 The path is filled with deception 独りが嫌で、誰かに拠って、 I rely on someone for I hate solitude 傷付き、傷つけられまた独り I hurt and get hurt, and am all alone again 堂々巡りの中で見たのは…何時の日かの僕? As this repeats, what I see is... Myself someday? 独りが良くて、誰にも拠らず、 I rely on no one, for I prefer solitude, 寂しさと不安に押し潰され So I am overwhelmed with lonesomeness and uneasiness 温もりに彷徨うのも何処かで見てた僕? Did I also once wander in warmth? 明日の僕は…「何処の誰か」 Tomorrow... I will be 'someone somewhere' 否定の渦が ぐるぐる回る* Vortex of denial rotates さよならしても、さよならしても、 Even if you bid farewell to it, どんなに引き裂き破り捨てても Even if you destroy and abandon it, 堂々巡りの果てに待つのは…見慣れた姿 In the end, what is waiting ahead... Is a usual figure 嫌い嫌いと罵るだけで、 I am just screaming my hatred それ以外の何も見ようともせず And do not see anything else 終わりのない否定の渦の中…思い知る In the endless vortex of denial... I realise that 僕は所詮…僕か。 I am... Just me. *Note: 否定の渦が ぐるぐる回る: the lyric was not in the official lyrics

