
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

叫声-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


止まったまま脆く儚く壊れてしまう事を拒めずにいた I did not refuse to stop and break up fragilely and miserably 僕は僕を守る為に僕を捨てようとしていた I once gave up myself so to protect myself 立ち止まり…そして振り返り… I stopped... And looked back... 迷いに絡め取られ…また、立ち止まる… I felt lost... So I stopped again... 数多の輪廻の果てに見た僕の進むべき道 After seeing all the ending of thousands cycles of life, this is the path I should follow 僕の叫びは君に届いてますか? Can you hear my cries? 言葉が声に成らずとも… Though my words are silence... 喉を嗄らして、命枯らしても尚…伝えたいモノ… Even if my voice is hoarse and my life is withering away... There is still something I want to tell you... 僕の叫びは君に響いてますか? Do my cries touch you? 僕が僕であるべき意味 The meaning of I should be myself 「痛い…痛い…」と嘆く心の奥に伝えたいモノ… That is what the hurting heart wants to tell... 偽善が救ってくれるのは弱さを隠そうとする汚さだけ Hypocrisy only saved filthiness that tried to hide weakness 汚さと向き合えぬ弱さから偽善に逃げようとしていた I once thought of letting hypocrisy escape, for I could not face the filthiness 「正しさ」なんて何処にもない…故に「間違い」なんて何処にもありはしない There is no 'right'... Therefore there is no 'wrong' 数多の輪廻の果てに見た僕の進むべき道 After seeing all the ending of thousands cycles of life, this is the path I should follow 僕の叫びは君に届いてますか? Can you hear my cries? 言葉が声に成らずとも… Though my words are silence... 喉を嗄らして、命枯らしても尚…伝えたいモノ… Even if my voice is hoarse and my life is withering away... There is still something I want to tell you... 僕の叫びは君に響いてますか? Did my cries touch you? 僕が僕であるべき意味 The meaning of I should be myself 「痛い…痛い…」と嘆く心の奥に伝えたいモノ… That is what the hurting heart wants to tell... 昨に縛られ…明を見失い…現に迷うとしても… Even though I am trapped by the past... Lost sight of the future... Confused about the moment... 伸ばすこの手を掴むその手の為に叫び続ける… I shall continue to cry for the hand that holds my reaching hand...

