
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

半端嫌~HAMPIRE~-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Hate that Side of Me ~ DHAMPIR ~’(半端嫌~HAMPIRE~)

(セリフ) (Lines) 紅月ノ森ヲ夜ガ照ラス刻 口渇シタ半人ノ叫ビ As the red moon shines on the forest at night, the thirsty half-beast howls 聖女ノ生血ヲ求メ 彷徨イ続ケルノダ… Wandering about, desiring for virgin's fresh blood... 森閑明夜 口渇倒懸 生血採血 求愛行動 On a silent clear night, it hangs upside down, collects fresh blood, and looks for love KUDASAI! KUDASAI! MOTTO KUDASAI! GIMME! GIMME! GIMME MORE! 満たされはしないこの身体 温もりの赤を求めている The unsatisfied body is desiring for warm red 血を吸うてやろうか(吸血!) I shall drink your blood (Drink now!) 吸うてやろうか(吸血!) Drink your blood (Drink now!) まだまだ私は血が足りてないよ I want more blood 血を吸うてやろうか(吸血!) I shall drink your blood (Drink now!) 吸うてやろうか(吸血!) Drink your blood (Drink now!) もう身体カラカラ 私はそう半端が嫌! My body is as dry as dust, I hate that side of me! (セリフ) (Lines) この乾いた喉が潤うならば、どんな血でも構わない As long as it quenches my thirst, I don't care what blood it is 吸って吸って吸いまくるのだー! I'm gonna drink up all the blood! 心配性ノA型サン マイペースナB型サン No matter it's the uptight Type A, the eccentric Type B 大雑把ナO型サン 変人AB型サンモ The insensitive Type O, or the strange Type AB KUDASAI! KUDASAI! MOTTO KUDASAI! GIMME! GIMME! GIMME MORE! もう気安くは耐えられない 全てが欲しくて震えている I can't hold myself back any longer, my body is shaking for all of them 血を吸うてやろうか(献血!) I shall drink your blood (Drink now!) 吸うてやろうか(吸血!) Drink your blood (Drink now!) まだまだ私は血が足りてないよ I want more blood 血を吸うてやろうか(吸血!) I shall drink your blood (Drink now!) 吸うてやろうか(吸血!) Drink your blood (Drink now!) もう身体カラカラ 私はそう半端が嫌! My body is as dry as dust, I hate that side of me! 伝説のHAMPIRE! I'm the dhampir from folklore!

