
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

噛-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


僕の心覗いて Peeked into my heart 底を少し照らして Lightened up the bottom a bit 閉じ込めていた声無き声は And got locked up, the voiceless voice 喉にそっと手をかけ締めつけるの Gently puts its hands on my throat and tightens up 止まない儚いパラノイア How wonderful なんて素敵でしょう Is the unstopping empty paranoia やむを得ないから虚勢バラ撒いて泣いて笑えば If I bluff myself and laugh in tears 'cause it's unavoidable 孤独襲う僕の躁苦いな The striking loneliness will cause my mania pain 消えたいかな Do I wanna disappear 誰かを羨んで Envying somebody 底は濁りきった The bottom became muddy 息もできないほどに暗くて It turns breathtakingly dark 僕はそっと溺れる And I gently drown 想定内だ心配は無いさ どうせ僕は死ぬ This is within expectations and there's nothing to worried about, I'll die anyway 想定内だ心配は無いさ どうせ君らも死ぬ This is within expectations and there's nothing to worried about, you all will also die anyway 想定内だ心配は無いさ どうせ皆が死ぬ This is within expectations and there's nothing to worried about, everyone will die anyway 想定外だ実態は無いが やがて何かを知る This is out of expectations and unsubstantial, but I'll soon know something いつだって救いを求めていたんだ此処から I used to come to here for salvation all the time 止まない儚いパラノイア How wonderful なんて素敵でしょう Is the unstopping empty paranoia やむを得ないかは虚勢バラ撒いて泣いて嗤えば If I bluff myself and sneer in tears 'cause it's unavoidable 孤独襲う僕の躁苦いな The striking loneliness will cause my mania pain 消えたいまた I wanna disappear again 絡まって締まるパラノイア How inappropriate なんて不適なのでしょう Is the paranoia that twines around and tightens 明けない夜はないと待ち焦がれて唄えば I once thought if I long for the light at the end of the tunnel and sing 届くとそう信じていたんだ Then you'll understand 消えないように the trace I left behind 愛してよ愛してよ愛してよ Love me, love me, love me じゃなきゃバイバイ I'll leave if you don't

