
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

砕-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


本性とやらを見せろよ早く Quick, reveal your real nature and stuff like that どうせ口だけなんだろ I know you're all mouth anyway Cut off!! Cut off!! ほら化けの皮を剥いで Come on, show your true colours ほら化けの皮を剥がしてくれ Come on, show me your true colours また無意味に意味を重ねて Even though I assigned a meaning to meaninglessness again つまらないと吐き捨てたって Quitted as I found it boring 虚しいよ虚しいよ I still feel so empty, so empty 答えもなくただ彷徨って I'm just wandering without an answer 誰かと比べて生きたって何か違うなら If something doesn't make sense in comparing my life with others あー僕は誰なの?codomo Ah, who am I? さっさと僕を殺してくれ Kill me now 頭が割れそうだからさ早く My head is exploding, so hurry up 脳味噌ごとプチ抜いてくれ Punch a hole in my brain Cut off!! Cut off!! ほら化けの皮を剥いで Come on, show your true colours ほら化けの皮を剥がしてくれ Come on, show me your true colours 今、此処≒個々に最適解を I'll now find the best solution for this place ≒ everyone いつか何かに手が届くって Someday I'll reach something ずっとそれを望んでいたって Even though I've been longing for that 虚しいよ虚しいよ I still feel so empty, so empty 暗闇が僕を飲み込んで Darkness swallows me up 全てを引き離そうとするから And tries to separate me from everything 偽った無意味に意味を探して So even though I tried to look for a meaning in fake meaninglessness くだらないと理解っていたって And knew that it's nonsense 苦しいよ苦しいよ I'm still miserable, miserable 混ざるはずのない「個」と知って If I understand everyone's 'an individual' 誰かと比べて生きたって全て違うなら Everything in the past I compared with others is different あー僕は僕だろう Ah, guess I'm just me

