
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

VILLAINS PARTY-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


Good-by good-by common grounds. Good-bye good-bye common grounds. 傾く世界リクリエイト Recreate the collapsing world Good-by good-by common grounds. Good-bye good-bye common grounds. 勧善懲悪 大感染 Rewarding good and punishing evil, a viral outbreak Cut me out narro. So涙はshadow Cut me out narro. So tears are shadows 居場所は此処 さぁ受け入れよう This is where we belong, accept it そこに対等性は無くて Why is there no equality 少数派であれば外道Get out? Minorities are treated as villains and are made to leave? 嫌われたくないから言えない I can't say it out loud 'cause I don't wanna be disliked 事無かれ主義のヒーロー A peace-at-any-price hero 時代を超え大義を果たせ Go beyond time and achieve justice 人はそれをこう呼ぶ"CHARISMA" That's what people call it, "CHARISMA" This is VILLAINS PARTY This is VILLAINS PARTY 不適合者よmost welcome Outsiders are most welcome 虚像疑問疑問 私は誰なの? Asking the false image again and again, who am I? 自問自答繰り返す Keep talking to myself This is VILLAINS PARTY This is VILLAINS PARTY ギラギラな犯行声明 Woo A glowing claim of responsibility, woo おかしなあの正義、噛みついて We're gonna snap at that strange justice 誇り持たぬ臆病者が The coward feeling inferior laughs 空を仰ぎ異端者を笑う At the heretic looking at the sky 急き立てる焦燥と孤独 Anxiety and loneliness stir up 仲間の増えぬ主人公 In the hero who has no companion 踊らされず見極め踊れ Don't be manipulated, take action after figuring out everything 誰かの盾となれば"CHARISMA" Being someone's shield is "CHARISMA" This is VILLAINS PARTY This is VILLAINS PARTY 不適合者よmost welcome Outsiders are most welcome 虚像疑問疑問 私は誰なの? Asking the false image again and again, who am I? 自問自答繰り返す Keep talking to myself This is VILLAINS PARTY This is VILLAINS PARTY ギラギラな犯行声明 Woo A glowing claim of responsibility, woo おかしなあの正義、噛みついて We're gonna snap at that strange justice This is VILLAINS PARTY This is VILLAINS PARTY 不適合者よmost welcome Outsiders are most welcome 虚像疑問疑問 私は誰なの? Asking the false image again and again, who am I? 自問自答繰り返す Keep talking to myself This is VILLAINS PARTY This is VILLAINS PARTY ギラギラな犯行声明 Woo A glowing claim of responsibility, woo おかしなあの正義、噛みついて We're gonna snap at that strange justice Good-by good-by common grounds. Good-bye good-bye common grounds. Good-by good-by common grounds. Good-bye good-bye common grounds. Good-by good-by common grounds. Good-bye good-bye common grounds. Good-by good-by common grounds. Good-bye good-bye common grounds.

