
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

スタースマイル-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Star Smile’(スタースマイル)

未知なる世界を見つけて僕と出会い冒険しよう Discover an unknown world, meet me and let's go on an adventure きっと明るい未来ワクワクが止まらない It's gonna be a bright future, I'm so excited 大人なっても子供のまま幸せの言葉つかおう Even if we become adults, let's use words about happiness like children だって傷つけあう必要ない二人 'Cause it's unnecessary for us to hurt each other 急転直下!わりとピンチ Sudden turns! We're in a tight spot 心曇り模様 Feeling gloomy 晴れるおまじないをしよう Lemme cast a spell that clears up the sky yeah!yeah!yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! 風が運ぶ奇跡 Wind brings miracle 夜を照らす星になる僕たちご機嫌に輝け Turning into stars that light up the night, we shine in a good mood 明日また笑えるように生きていたい今日にありがとう We gotta thank today so we can smile again tomorrow 明日また会えるといいな満点笑顔キラキラの君 I hope to see you with your biggest and brightest smile again tomorrow 光る軌跡たどる夜明けはそこさ Follow the following track, daybreak is right over there ほら、夜彩る星も笑ってる Look, even the stars embellishing the night are smiling 否定されて落ち込むのかい? Are you feeling down 'cause someone refuted you? 失敗したっていいじゃない It's okay to fail そうさ涙拭いて星空を見上げて Yup, wipe your tears and look up at the starry sky 大事なもの目に見えない Treasure is nonphysical 感じるの大切さを You gotta feel its importance 「l」 に気づいたなら幸せ掴めるよ You'll find happiness if you notice 'me'* 俯いている暇はない踏み出す勇気永遠への宝 There's no time to be disheartened, the courage to get your foot in the door is the treasure that brings you to eternity 焦るなら回り道でいい昨日よりも楽しみが見つかるから Take a detour if you feel rushed, you gonna find more pleasure than yesterday wow wow GO MY WAY wow wow GO MY WAY でっかい夢見て希望もって謳おう Have a big dream, Be hopeful, and sing wow wow GO MY WAY wow wow GO MY WAY 笑われたってバカにされたって曇り空わって Even if someone laughs at you or makes fun of you, you gotta soar through the cloudy sky 明日また笑えるように生きていたい今日にありがとう We gotta thank today so we can smile again tomorrow 明日また会えるといいな満点笑顔キラキラの君 I hope to see you with your biggest and brightest smile again tomorrow 光る軌跡たどる夜明けはそこさ Follow the following track, daybreak is right over there ほら、夜彩る星も笑ってる Look, even the stars embellishing the night are smiling *Note: l: A homophonic pun of 'I' and 'love ("愛", pronounced as あい)'.

