
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

ZERO QUALIA-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


今君が感じている景色と I don't know if the scenery you're feeling now 僕が感じた景色は Has the same colour as 同じ色かは分からない The scenery I felt でも同じ気持ちになれる But we do feel the same 手にした赤色のリンゴを赤色だと認識したとしても Even if you know the red apple in your hand is red 人それぞれにくすんで見えたり青く見える人もいるんだよ It may look dull or be green to somebody else 一生懸命まごころを込めて育てた物ですと言われたのなら If somebody says they grew it wholeheartedly 人は皆ありがとうとあたたかい気持ちを共に持つだろう I guess everyone's gonna be very appreciative 愛し合えたはずの人分かり合えた人は違うけれど Although people we were supposed to love are different from those who understand us 少しの間でも寄り添うことで見えてくるから Short accompaniment help them come into each other's eyes ゼロから始めよう僕達の可能性 Let our possibility begins from zero 今君が感じている景色と The scenery you're feeling now 僕が感じた景色は and the scenery I felt 十人十色さまざまな色で彩られ Have their own shades and are embellished by different colours 今君が感じている幸せは It's okay that the happiness you're feeling now 僕も感じる幸せ Has a different colour 同じ色じゃなくていい From the happiness I feel 僕らは同じ気持ちで繋がっている We're linked by the same feeling これからも続く長い道のりを I should be able to proceed on the continuous long journey 君となら進めるはず If you're by my side 時には下を向いてもいいのさ It's okay even if you feel down sometimes 今君が感じている景色と The scenery you're feeling now 僕が感じた景色は and the scenery I felt 十人十色さまざまな色で彩られ Have their own shades and are embellished by different colours 君が笑えば僕も笑うよ If you smile, I smile そうやって幸せ掴む未来を In that way, it's okay that the colour 同じ色じゃなくていい Of our happy future is different 僕らは同じ気持ちで繋がっている We're linked by the same feeling

