
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

パラダイムシフト-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Paradigm Shift’(パラダイムシフト)

You know? You see the truth? You know? You see the truth? 耳塞ぐ君 Covering up your ears 目の前のつまらない景色に手を伸ばす You reach out your hands to the boring scenery before your eyes You know? You see the truth? You know? You see the truth? 無音でもいい Even if it's silent 下手な踊りに身を任すlittle girl Little girl let her awkward dance moves lead her body 誰も彼も知らない No one knows* なんかよくわからない 腹の底から吐き出す I'm not quite sure, I speak my mind* ウワァーってなる感じのソレがきっと心の底が求めてる絶頂 The feeling that wows us must be the climax we've been looking for HEY! HEY! MADNESS PARTY! HEY! HEY! MADNESS PARTY! キ✕✕エ! 来ちまえばいい! Go mad! Let's get high!* 馬鹿は馬鹿らしく着飾らずに大声出して Idiots are gonna scream just like idiots 仲間内で盛り上がろうぜ And hype themselves up おいおいおいおい Hey hey hey hey 馬鹿馬鹿しくねぇか Isn't this too ridiculous 洒落たフリでヒラヒラってでけぇ口叩いて Acting cool, bragging around おいおいおいおい Hey hey hey hey ジョーダンじゃねぇよ We ain't joking 俺たちは最初っから競う気もない We've never wanted to compete 硬派気取る焼き増しの歌 バイバイ(笑) Bye-bye, hardcore wannabe assembly-line music (laugh) ほらほらほらほらきっともうみんな駄目になって See see, reckon everyone has already lost their mind 轟音脳髄揺らすぶっ飛ばす僕らhighになって Shaking our head hardly in loud music, we're getting high 快楽にりゆうなどない There's no reason for pleasure そうやっぱナンダカンダ文句言っても Yup, after all, it's no use complaining 常識なんてもんは姫君にはいらない Young lady need no common sense くだらない要因 A boring reason Go on!突き進めりゃきっともう Go on! If you keep on going 僕ら灰になって記憶の中消えてくなら If we're gonna turn into dust and fade away from someone's memory もう格好ばっか気取る間抜け面全て取っ払って We'll stop trying to act cool お気に召すままに Which means you may do as you wish 腹の虫治まるまで Until you get your way お好きにどうぞってことで And your mood lightens* *Notes: 誰も彼も知らない: Actual lyric is '誰も彼も知らない絶頂', which can be translated into 'an unknown climax' なんかよくわからない: Actual lyric is 'なんかよくわからない絶頂', which can be translated into 'a climax I don't quite understand' キ✕✕エ! 来ちまえばいい!: Pronounced as 'きちがえ! きちまえ!' お好きにどうぞってことで: 'ってことで' is not sung, therefore the lyric can be translated into 'you may do as you wish/ until you get your way/ and your mood lightens'.

