
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

星仰ぐ夜-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Stargazing Night’(星仰ぐ夜)

歩き続けて ふと思い出す日々に I present a bouquet of flowers and name the memories 花束と名前を That pop into my mind whilst we're walking ありがとう 手を繋ぐ帰り道 On our way back where we say thank you and hold hands 並んで喋む 星を仰ぐ We walk side by side and chat, and look at the stars ぼんやり浮かぶ 月咲うように Like how the looming moon blooms 巡った季節は沈んでいく。 The passed seasons go down. 嗚呼 幾つもの孤独や痛みを Ah, we're all alone, living our lives 抱えて生きている ひとりの僕等は With plenty of loneliness and pain あと幾つ夜を乗り越えて 今 Now, we're gonna get through many more nights 優しい答えを探して And look for the gentle answer ほこりまみれた手紙に描いた嘘や Even the lies or worn words 擦り切れた言葉も拐っていく Written on the dusty letters are stolen away 閉まるドア 僕は手を振っていた I waved at the closed door 懐かしいな 泣いちゃうよなぁ This makes me feel nostalgic, I think I'm gonna cry 静かに揺れる雲も見守って Watching over by the clouds swaying silently 巡った季節は眠りにつく。 The passed seasons fall asleep. 嗚呼 幾つもの悲しみを越えて Ah, after getting through plenty of sadness 傷んだ この地球に何を残すだろう I wonder what will I leave to the devastated earth 錆び付いた針の示した先に At the future that the rusted hand pointed at またねと ふたりは笑った See you, we said with a smile 交わした永遠も溶けてしまうよ、 Even the promise of eternity we made is melting お願い 消えないで 今もずっと ずっと。 Please, stay with me, forever and ever. 嗚呼 幾つもの孤独や痛みを Ah, gloomy days that I've lived 抱えて生きていた灰色の日々よ With plenty of loneliness and pain 涙堪えて君を照らす I'll hold back my tears and shine on you 振り返って、 Looking back, 僕等はこれからも 「巡り逢えるだろう。」 I'm sure that 'we're gonna meet again.'

