
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

クロトアカ-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Black and Red’(クロトアカ)

Never say never 嘯くアカ 致死量超えた 「止まれ」を告げるcolor Boasting it never says never, red is a colour that tells 'stop' when lethal amount is exceeded 理想論 見事に裏切った 悪知恵をつけ 音を立て バベルの塔は派手に崩れたね The ideology is completely betrayed, they get evil and make some sound, Tower of Babel fall glamorously まだまだ懲りないから 石を積み直す さあ、ゆらゆら揺れ動いた 救いようのない嘘 Haven't learn the lesson, so they pile the stones again, the unsavable lie swayed gently 失望 意義無くして ハリボテとなって 鼻摘んで言った 嗚咽「コレまだ喰えたっけ?」 Disappointment lost its meaning and became superficial, it held its nose and sobbed, 'can I still eat this?' 吐き気を誘う 警鐘 dirtful dead!! クロく染まれば Nauseating alarm bell, dirtful dead!! If we get stained black ほら出来上がり Voila 腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱 Decay decay decay decay decay decay 引き寄せられる様に The world is falling down 腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱 Decay decay decay decay decay decay 堕ちる 世界は Like it's drawn to something 腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱 Decay decay decay decay decay decay 狂ってしまったから We can't go back anymore 腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱 Decay decay decay decay decay decay もう戻れない? 'Cause the world has already lost it mind? 下手な小芝居 ハイ、失笑 サムイ嘘泣き 相槌視線なら天井 僕上の空 Stupid tricks make me laugh, chilling crocodile tears, eyes are on the ceiling and I'm spacing out 騙されるのが悪い?騙したやつが悪い? Is it your fault to be fooled? Or is it that of the trickster? 不規則に脈打って流れ出したクロトアカ Heart beat irregularly and black and red flew out 正体 見失って だんだん異臭放って 黒ずんでいった 嗚咽「コレまだ喰えたっけ?」 Lost consciousness, began to stink and turned black, sobbed, 'can I still eat this?' 吐き気を誘う 警鐘 dirtful dead!! 手向けた言葉「よく似合うよ。」 Nauseating alarm bell, dirtful dead!! Farewell words 'you look good on that.' 腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱 Decay decay decay decay decay decay 全部嘘だったって Even though I knew that 腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱 Decay decay decay decay decay decay 気付いてたのに Everything is just a lie 腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱 Decay decay decay decay decay decay 狂ってしまったから I can't go back anymore 腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱腐乱 Decay decay decay decay decay decay もう戻れない 'Cause I've already lost my mind

