
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

救われない世界-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Unsalvageable World’(救われない世界)

幼い頃に夢に見ていた穢れを知らない未来図を Not knowing if I can still follow the future vision I dreamt of when I was young 今も変わらず歩けているか不安になって立 ち竦む I feel uneasy and am petrified 「こんなはずじゃない。」どうしてだろう いつから思い出せなくて 'It wasn’t supposed to be this way,' I wonder why, but I don't remember since when きりがないから誤魔化してまた目を閉じるふりをしたんだ It'd be never-ending, so I gave this a lick and a promise and pretended to close my eyes 滲んでぼやけた思い出を片手に Even though we hurt each other with blurry memories in our hand 傷付け合っても何も満たされない No one is satisfied 予想通りのシナオリだってまた誰彼指をさし笑う 何も知らないくせに Everyone points at me and laughs this is what they expected, as if they know about anything ずっと馬鹿の一つ覚えみたいに足元見て不幸待ち望む 笑い方も忘れた They keep trying to take advantage of my weak point, awaiting misfortune to befall me, and even forgot how to laugh 答えを知れば単純だって生意気な言葉で着飾る It's simple if you know the answer, dress up with cocky words 優等生の二言目には知りもしない「自業自得。」 Honour students says 'You have only yourself to blame.' all the time even he knows nothing 人を見下すことでしかもう自分を保つこともできず He can only protect himself by looking down on others 醜さばかりやけに目立って誰も手につけられない Only ugliness stands out and everyone is at their wits' end いつまで子供のふりをしていたいの? "How long do you want to pretend to be a child? 予想裏切るシナリオだってまだ眠ってるそれさえ信じない 信じれないのは誰? Unexpected scenario, you don't believe in the unrevealed, but who is the one unbelievable? きっと馬鹿にされることに慣れすぎた目を伏せ俯いて一人 Must be too used to being treated as a fool, I looked down 「死んだ方が楽だ。」と言った And murmured alone 'I'd rather be dead.' 予想通りのシナオリだってまた誰彼指をさし笑う 何も知らないくせに Everyone points at me and laughs this is what they expected, as if they know about anything ずっと馬鹿の一つ覚えみたいに足元見て不幸待ち望む 笑い方も忘れた They keep trying to take advantage of my weak point, awaiting misfortune to befall me, and even forgot how to laugh 誰か助けて Some one help me

