
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

ガラクタ-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Odds and Ends’(ガラクタ)

どうしてもヒトを並べて Why do you wanna compare yourself with others 大差を付けたがるのはなぜ? And take a significant lead? 「君は違うね」 と Even though I'm hit 無責任な言葉のムチを By the whip of 叩きつけられても The irresponsible 'you're different' 僕には違いが分からないんだ I don't understand the differences In durance of Century!! In durance of Century!! ガラクタが夢を見るのさ Though they don't have the direction 道は知らないけど Odds and ends will dream about the future Trans to the Century!! Trans to the Century!! 在り来りな言葉に Everything is included 全て込めるよ In cliche sayings 腦內不適感情 Improper feelings inside my head 要らない事まで知っていく怖さ The horror of knowing unneeded things 掴めばすり抜ける愛とか The love that slips away every time I get it 迷い迷って I got lost 自分が誰かさえ分からなくなってしまったの And began to lose myself 「心のトビラ開けて」 'Open up' そんなもの最初から開いてる My heart has always been opened In durance of Century!! In durance of Century!! 全て世界のせいにして Blame everything on the world 僕のトコにおいで And come to me Trans to the Century!! Trans to the Century!! ダメだって思った時も Even when you feel you can't do it anymore 君は生きてる You're alive 誰もが幸せだなんて言えない I can't say everyone is happy でも不幸だって事も無い But not everyone is unhappy In durance of Century!! In durance of Century!! ガラクタが夢を見るのさ Though they don't have the direction 道は知らないけど Odds and ends will dream about the future Trans to the Century!! Trans to the Century!! 在り来りな言葉に Include everything 全て込めて In cliche sayings 愛を唄おう And sing about love 誰かが笑っても Even if someone laughs 君が輝く場所はここにある This is where you shine 深い闇が襲っても Even if the deep dark comes for us 所詮僕らガラクタさ After all we're just odds and ends

