‘The Sunny Song’(晴レ歌)
Looked forward for tomorrow
And got through the sleepless night
But we're having terrible weather, dang it<1--more-->
どうやら どうやら この中に
I reckon, I reckon, we've got
Frogs that like rain here
いざ出てゆけ ほら出てゆけ
Get out, get out
I chant... The Sunny Song
ひっくり返れ 総喝采
Turn the situation upside down, cheer together
本降りだって 無問題
Gonna be alright even if it's pouring out there
這い蹲って 照り乞う (フワフワフッフー)
Kneel down and beg for the sun (fuwa fuwa fuffu)
吃驚仰天 太陽系
Astounding solar system
重力転換 上を向け この空よ
Gravity conversion, chin up, look at the sky
行くぞ天高く 天照す 天昇
Fly high, release the parabola of clogs
At the sun shining up high
空仰ぐ 運命を 掴み取る 曇天返す回転
Do a plot twisting turn that fulfill the sighing destiny
僕の思い高く 夢描くテンションに乗れ
Ride on the excitement that unleashes my feeling and depicts my dream
And even break the atmosphere
晴れ男になれ 揺らめく蜃気楼
Be a sun bringer, wavering mirage
Fear not
The destiny given by God
明日に訪れる 転気を信じてる
I believe it'll clear up tomorrow
台風も梅雨も 一昨日行け
Typhoons and rainy seasons be bygones
Rain loving frogs go back to the pond
今てるてる あのてるてるを
Gotta make one, gotta make
A sunny doll now... The Sunny Song
ひっくり返れ 総喝采
Turn the situation upside down, cheer together
本降りだって 無問題
Gonna be alright even if it's pouring out there
這い蹲って 照り乞う (フワフワフッフー)
Kneel down and beg for the sunshine (fuwa fuwa fuffu)
吃驚仰天 太陽系
Astounding solar system
重力転換 上を向け 暁よ
Gravity conversion, chin up, it's dawn
何処に行ったって 何をしたって
No matter where we're going or what we're doing
空が泣いてたら 詰まらないよ
How boring if the sky cries
ネガティブ感情を 引き立てる ザーザー降りは勘弁
We don't need anymore heavy rain that increases negative feelings
僕の思い高く 夢描くテンションに乗れ
Ride on the excitement that unleashes my feeling and depicts my dream
And even break the atmosphere
晴れ男になれ 揺らめく蜃気楼
Be a sun bringer, wavering mirage
天晴れ 天晴れ 明日は晴れ
Wonderful, wonderful, the weather tomorrow's gonna be wonderful*
天晴れ 天晴れ 明日は晴れ
Wonderful, wonderful, the weather tomorrow's gonna be wonderful*
天晴れ 天晴れ 明日は晴れ
Wonderful, wonderful, the weather tomorrow's gonna be wonderful*
Be like the weather tomorrow
ひっくり返れ 総喝采
Turn the situation upside down, cheer together
本降りだって 無問題
Gonna be alright even if it's pouring out there
這い蹲って 照り乞う (フワフワフッフー)
Kneel down and beg for the sunshine (fuwa fuwa fuffu)
吃驚仰天 太陽系
Astounding solar system
重力転換 上を向け この空よ
Gravity conversion, chin up, look at the sky
行くぞ天高く 天照す 天昇
Fly high, release the parabola of clogs
At the sun shining up high
空仰ぐ 運命を 掴み取る 曇天返す回転
Do a plot twisting turn that fulfill the sighing destiny
僕の思い高く 夢描くテンションに乗れ
Ride on the excitement that unleashes my feeling and depicts my dream
And even break the atmosphere
晴れ男になれ 揺らめく蜃気楼
Be a sun bringer, wavering mirage