
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

NOID-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


my right mind いつも My right mind always laugh off 泣いてばかりで Laugh off, does nothing but cry それで幸せって 嘘だろ?そうだろ? You say that's happiness, is that a joke? Is it? Don't regret it! Don't regret it! 薄れて消えちまう理想なんて Dreams fade away and disappear 手持ち無沙汰にぶら下げてるんだろ? Are you too bored? Do you have any regrest? Do you have any regrets? やれることは全部やった It's impossible to say 言えるはずない そうだろ?嘘だろ? They you've done everything you can, right? Is that a joke? Don't regret it! Don't regret it! きっとずっと無駄に強がって You must have been pretending to be tough pointlessly 一匹狼? 本当は怖いだけだろ? A lone wolf? You're actually just terrified, aren't you? 王様気取りで冷めたフリをして If you act like a king, pretend that you've lost interest 大事なものさえ手放すと言うなら And let go of things you cherish 諦め悪い僕は君を横目に As a person who never says never, I'm gonna look down on you 笑うよ Had faith in future. Smile, have faith in the future. 「最初で最後。」って言うけど Though 'this is the first and last time.' 理解っているなら さあ走れよ If you understand it, then run 誓った言葉を拾い集めて Collect all the vows you've taken いくつ守れた?なんて もう馬鹿馬鹿しくて How many of them have you kept? How stupid is this 死ぬまで未練を数えて生きたいなら If you wanna count your regrets until you die 涙の意味を教えてよ? Then why don't you tell me the meaning of tears? 生きることに迷っていれるほど Time is so little that it'll make us 時間は残ってない さあ、やるかやめるのか Feel lost in life, are you doing it or not At any time sink or swim. You can sink or swim at any time. 後悔の味なら 知らないほうがいいじゃん It's better not to feel regret

